Author Topic: Nikongear Scotland Meetup - May 2016 *** PAYMENT DETAILS NOW AVAILABLE ***  (Read 24342 times)


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I don't think there is anyone waiting on the list, but that should not be a problem.

From what I can see it is sufficient that those who have not fully paid their dues do so and we'll reach the target £1800 (that includes bringing the contribution up to £100 for those who initially paid £90).
Simone Tomasi

David Paterson

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Thank you Dave for the overview.
I remember you mentioning something about not so good WiFi internet connections. Shall we come with signal amplifiers?
It would be a pity not to be able to login on NG and share photos...

I wil be asking about wifi when I see them next week - they did "promise" that it would be upgraded this winter. My son worked there 7 or 8 years ago and said there was decent wifi at the office and at the restaurant, but otherwise very patchy. He thinks nothing will have changed.

Bring anything you think would be useful. I use amplifiers in our house - we can also try those, and if nothing else works we can find a way to let members connect from here.

Jakov Minić

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Dave, by looking at the website of our lodge, I have found out that we need to bring our own towels.
How about bed linens, soap, etc?
It would be nice to receive more info regarding our stay?
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Thomas Stellwag

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Dave, by looking at the website of our lodge, I have found out that we need to bring our own towels.
How about bed linens, soap, etc?
It would be nice to receive more info regarding our stay?

this was my question as well 1 week ago in a mail to David - I think he is working on that
Thomas Stellwag

David Paterson

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Dave, by looking at the website of our lodge, I have found out that we need to bring our own towels.
How about bed linens, soap, etc?
It would be nice to receive more info regarding our stay?

Jakov and Thomas - I am very sorry but I have just had an unbelievably busy week and the Scotland Event had to be put aside for a few days. I did email Thomas's query but have not had a reply as yet. I will email again but I think it's best if I raise all these queries directly with the lodges' office staff. At the same time I will find out the status of their wifi.

Please bear in mind that there is still more than two months to go, so there is time to get answers and fix problems.