This is a new thread because I cannot find the old one. I have to report two things. First, off topic, to report that I took forum advice but it did not lead to discovery of my Df charger. It has gone, so I will assume that it is not in our house. Maybe it will take the bait.
Second, on topic is that I finally ordered my G TO Z adaptor, and it arrived yesterday, and I picked it up today. It is a dumb adaptor made by or at least marketed by Urth. The 40mm f2 G1 Contax lens was a tight fit first time I tried, but from there on it fit like a custom sewn glove and the focus ring changed from being hesitant to fitting and working seamlessly. It was not cheap, costing about 100 bucks CDN, but if it works as advertised, it will be worth it as it saves the Contax lens from sitting for a lifetime on a shelf. Now alll that remains to be don is to purchase the camera body. Will I buy the kit lens and body, or just the body- that is the question.