Images => Themes, Portfolio Series, PaW, or PaM => Your Weekly Blog => Topic started by: Ian Watson on April 01, 2024, 03:14:16
Post your "blog" contributions here. No theme (other than what the passage of time creates), no contest implied, a maximum of one picture per day in the actual month for NG Supporters and no more than 8 images per month for NG members. Enjoy!
In the woods.
Nikon Zf, 50mm f/1.4 AI.
Neo Noct territory
April 1
As is
Z7 35mm f/1.4 ai
Neo Noct territory
rain in the harbour
I like your moody harbour photo Frank
many thanks Frank
Neo Noct territory
Great photograph, Daniel!
Work in Progress
D800E 24-70/2.8 VR
Neo Noct territory
Beautiful Daniel.
rain in the harbour
Lovely atmosphere with a British touch.
J" by the window.
Z6, 70-200 2.8 fl fully open. Not sure about postprocessing
Neo Noct territory
Beautiful light!
rain in the harbour
Love the muted almost monochrome colour.
J" by the window.
Z6, 70-200 2.8 fl fully open. Not sure about postprocessing
Lovely portrait!
Windermere, Durban. View of Moses Mabhida stadium across the railway line.
J" by the window.
Z6, 70-200 2.8 fl fully open. Not sure about postprocessing
Fine shot Paco!
Zf _ Voigtländer 125mm f/2.5
Thank you Tim, Fons. She is a sweet girl.
One day, my son will be ready for a Dremel and epoxy.
Nikon Zf, 50mm f/1.4 AI.
One day, my son will be ready for a Dremel and epoxy.
Nikon Zf, 50mm f/1.4 AI.
he´ll be the man to manage a recycling facility. As next step, give him your car :)
April 1
As is
Mmmm, seeing you've mentioned 1st April, I'm looking for the "gotcha - April Fool" here Fons....
But no doubts about your tulip. Punchy and vibrant
Windermere, Durban. View of Moses Mabhida stadium
Nice. I hope to be going to (or at least near) the English version of Windermere in a couple of weeks
One day, my son will be ready for a Dremel and epoxy.
You paint a lovely picture of your lad, immersed in discovery Ian.
he´ll be the man to manage a recycling facility. As next step, give him your car :)
And I love Thomas' suggestion.....maybe invest in a "project" vehicle as a starter though....? ;)
Zf _ Voigtländer 125mm f/2.5
Amazing texture!
Lovely atmosphere with a British touch.
Yea... this year Andalusia tried to outperform the UK in rain performance...
Love the muted almost monochrome colour.
Thank you Tim. I tried to keep the original flat gradation
I am still in the
business from last month. Today I saw a reflexion in a car window that showed a similar distorted image...
Frank, you need to insert the correct URL for any image before it shows :)
Frank, you need to insert the correct URL for any image before it shows :)
Beloved Birna, I forgot how to do it, sorry
Get the URL by showing the image in a separate window, then just copy-paste into the [IMG] tags of your post.
Mmmm, seeing you've mentioned 1st April, I'm looking for the "gotcha - April Fool" here Fons....
But no doubts about your tulip. Punchy and vibrant
Thanks Colin ;)
Amazing texture!
Thanks Akira!
I am still in the business from last month. Today I saw a reflexion in a car window that showed a similar distorted image...
Frank, I think Birna may have provided some clues:
"Even in the middle of nowhere, one can wait for a bus to appear (?)"
'More like a garbage bin and an empty time schedule board :) Gives more time for inner reflections."
;) ;) ;)
You paint a lovely picture of your lad, immersed in discovery Ian.
And I love Thomas' suggestion.....maybe invest in a "project" vehicle as a starter though....? ;)
Thank you Thomas and Colin. He is not the one who makes me nervous for my car.
Nikon Zf, 50mm f/1.4 AI.
Nah Ian, start 'em young! The trailer is a good start. ;D
FWIW, my eldest daughter is a mechanical engineer who has had a very successful career in engineering. Maybe your daughter might also head in that direction?
Thank you Thomas and Colin. He is not the one who makes me nervous for my car.
Nikon Zf, 50mm f/1.4 AI.
Nice. I hope to be going to (or at least near) the English version of Windermere in a couple of weeks
Thanks Colin :)
Another take on the frozen forest. Tomorrow I'll try yet another version if the predicted heavy snowfall is occurring. The Weather Forecasts tend to be uncommonly accurate around here -- unfortunately.
Another take on the frozen forest. Tomorrow I'll try yet another version if the predicted heavy snowfall is occurring. The Weather Forecasts tend to be uncommonly accurate around here -- unfortunately.
Seems like a different take on a shot from last week?!
April 3
Z7_2 - nikkor z 105mm f/2.8 vr s
Jan van Esch, a friend of my died last week, an aggressive form of pancreas cancer. He was one of the initiators of better relations with the Balkan countries, especially Croatia and Bosnia. He lead many projects to improve the situation there. Also he started a dialogue with the Srbrenica Dutch bat soldiers with the survivors of the massacre.
One of the projects was the help of a mental hospital in Trogir, where there was an urgent need for hospital beds. In 2013 we went Trogir, with a small truck and hospital beds.
I made this photo during the long trip from the Netherlands to the south of Croatia (close to Split)
Today was the funeral.
D700 35/1.4
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God. --- Matthew 5,9
Thank you for the story, John❤️
Jan van Esch, a friend of my died last week, an aggressive form of pancreas cancer. He was one of the initiators of better relations with the Balkan countries, especially Croatia and Bosnia. He lead many projects to improve the situation there. Also he started a dialogue with the Srbrenica Dutch bat soldiers with the survivors of the massacre.
One of the projects was the help of a mental hospital in Trogir, where there was an urgent need for hospital beds. In 2013 we went Trogir, with a small truck and hospital beds.
I made this photo during the long trip from the Netherlands to the south of Croatia (close to Split)
Today was the funeral.
D700 35/1.4
I made this photo during the long trip from the Netherlands to the south of Croatia (close to Split)
Today was the funeral.
D700 35/1.4
Condolences on your personal loss!
Jan van Esch, a friend of my died last week, an aggressive form of pancreas cancer. He was one of the initiators of better relations with the Balkan countries, especially Croatia and Bosnia. He lead many projects to improve the situation there. Also he started a dialogue with the Srbrenica Dutch bat soldiers with the survivors of the massacre.
One of the projects was the help of a mental hospital in Trogir, where there was an urgent need for hospital beds. In 2013 we went Trogir, with a small truck and hospital beds.
I made this photo during the long trip from the Netherlands to the south of Croatia (close to Split)
Today was the funeral.
D700 35/1.4
sorry for your loss, may he rest in peace
Thank you Thomas and Colin. He is not the one who makes me nervous for my car.
Nikon Zf, 50mm f/1.4 AI.
LOL, kind of like my son and daughter
Image from today
x-t3 56mm f1.4
Jan van Esch, a friend of my died last week,
I am sorry to hear that, John. My condolences.
Jan van Esch, a friend of my died last week, an aggressive form of pancreas cancer. He was one of the initiators of better relations with the Balkan countries, especially Croatia and Bosnia. He lead many projects to improve the situation there. Also he started a dialogue with the Srbrenica Dutch bat soldiers with the survivors of the massacre.
One of the projects was the help of a mental hospital in Trogir, where there was an urgent need for hospital beds. In 2013 we went Trogir, with a small truck and hospital beds.
I made this photo during the long trip from the Netherlands to the south of Croatia (close to Split)
Today was the funeral.
D700 35/1.4
Sorry for the loss of a great contributor to help troubled people and your dear friend.
Image from today
x-t3 56mm f1.4
Wonderful abstraction!
Wonderful abstraction!
Thank you Akira
FWIW, my eldest daughter is a mechanical engineer who has had a very successful career in engineering. Maybe your daughter might also head in that direction?
Given her love of tools and anything mechanical, that sounds very possible. She took to maths lessons the minute we told her that engineers need to know maths 8)
Mud 1, Son 0.
Nikon Zf, 50mm f/1.4 AI.
sorry for your loss, may he rest in peace
LOL, kind of like my son and daughter
Image from today
x-t3 56mm f1.4
Beautiful colors and shapes, Armando!
Thanks Frank, Fons, Armando Ian and Akira
Pink in the morning
That picture resonates with me, Daniel :) Were life always that easy!!
The back view.
I'm assembling a light-weight yet capable IR lens kit for my modified Z5. Aim is to have a kit without nasty IR hot spots or otherwise bad behaviour in IR, yet lenses should be small and not too heavy. These requirements rule out most native Z lenses as they are usually big, heavy, or poor for IR, or any combinations thereof.
So far, I came up with a "2X" kit comprising Laowa 11mm f/4.5 (rear gel filter), Viltrox 20mm f/2.8 (super light, inexpensive too), Nikkor 40mm f/2 SE (also very light-weight), and the small Nikkor 85mm f/2 Nikkor AI. If longer focal lengths are required, I can add the Voigtländer APO 180mm f/4, Nikkor 400mm f/3.5 AI (unfortunatley, my light-weight 400/4.5 Z requires 95mm expensive filters *and* exhibits hot spots for IR), and top off with the mighty Nikkor ED non-If 800mm f/8.
I tested the kit yesterday, continued this morning, and of course found quickly that none of the selected lens could give decent close-ups. The Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8 AIS is bad for IR and quite heavy, but passable for IR usage set wide open. The UV-Nikkor 105mm f/4.5 behaves exemplary for IR, however, so I might relegate one of my UV-Nikkors to this kit if close-up IR work is planned.
The daffodils here were captured by the Micro-Nikkor 105/2.8 AIS. Perhaps I ought to use that lens more often?
April 4
Ready to deconstruct.
Zf _ Z 40mm f/2
Woman with Dog
My Ricoh GRIII has rekindled my enthusiasm for street/people photography. This little camera is unobtrusive, perfect for spontaneous images. This image was shot one-handed using the snap focus function (autofocus fixed at programmable distance) of the Ricoh.
( ( ( by Luc de Schepper (, on Flickr
The youngest in the house
Z9 AF-S 85/1.4 (As I like the f/1.4 lenses, it's strange they are not in the Z-system, as I am not interested in f/1.8 or the f/1.2 lenses)
The daffodils here were captured by the Micro-Nikkor 105/2.8 AIS. Perhaps I ought to use that lens more often?
Yes, great lens. In image quality it comes close to the 105/2.8MC but the rendering of the AIS is more 'natural' (difficult to explain)
Brief update from me - still working on photographing / documenting vacuum tubes (valves in British English).
Here's a shot of a small family - dad, mum & child in an attempt to illustrate the three types of tubes: 6CS7, 6189 & 6AK5 (all US made).
My blogpost on the 6CS7 variety ( is almost complete, I think.
A quick test shot to verify the old Olympus OM 28mm f/3.5 in its new configuration (inserted in a bellows to allow a fixed entrance pupil while focusing) would work. It does. Below is a -- literally -- dirty test on my computer keyboard, done hand-held with Zf. 29 frames stacked in Zerene. This little old-timer of no fame surely is an unexpectedly good performer and noteworthy is the lack of bad chromatic aberrations. Quite unusual for a wide-angle lens about 50 years old, I think. I purchased a couple of these some years ago for a total sum of $15 + shipping. The lens is easy to convert to other mounts.
Zf at 1600 ISO, lens set to f/5.6. 1/60 sec. The level of detail sharpness one gets with this approach is amazing. I didn't notice beforehand there were strands of red hair shredded over the keyboard:)
Brief update from me - still working on photographing / documenting vacuum tubes (valves in British English).
Here's a shot of a small family - dad, mum & child in an attempt to illustrate the three types of tubes: 6CS7, 6189 & 6AK5 (all US made).
My blogpost on the 6CS7 variety ( is almost complete, I think.
a trip back through memory lane
when I was a kid my Dad complained that I would grab and pull the tubes of his beloved audio amplifier :)
crouching down
x-t3 56mm f1.4
Quercus marilandica (Blackjack oak)
Developing leaves and catkins in sunlight at the edge of a woods.
The Weather Forecast was -- again -- spot on. So here's winter in repeat -- again.
View from our kitchen this morning.
Quercus marilandica (Blackjack oak)
Developing leaves and catkins in sunlight at the edge of a woods.
Love the visual rhythm created by the flowers and leaves!
April 5
In the street
Zf _ Z 40mm f/2
Thank you Akira.
April 5
In the street
Zf _ Z 40mm f/2
Great street shot
Thank you Armando!
Isla Graciosa - north of Lanzarote
April 6
current connexion
Zfc _ Z DX 16-50mm f/3.5~6.3
April 7
Apple blossom
Z7 -- Z 105mm f/2.8S
On the first days of sunshine, the local police put the pillory on the market square back into operation
Cruz - D850 & AF-S 20mm f/1.8
The Cherry Blossom Hill in my neighborhood was full of people today.
confluence 1.4/24G @f/1.4
Window in Paleis-Raadzaal, Tilburg
D4 AF-S 85/1.4
Same scene, lens, aperture. Different perspective
Cruz - D850 & AF-S 20mm f/1.8
I would use this shot to promote the place, if I was the tourist board!
Spring morning
D4 AF-S 85/1.4
I would use this shot to promote the place, if I was the tourist board!
Many thanks Keith
Prickly beauty - D850 & AF-S 20mm f/1.8
Cherry blossoms are in full bloom.
Cruz - D850 & AF-S 20mm f/1.8
The Cherry Blossom Hill in my neighborhood was full of people today.
April 8
IPhone SE
Some very white birches, maybe some special species?
There is lightning in the evening ;)
Hi from France
Spring is sprung, as they say, and what better way to prove this than with an Arum lily...
Happy Spring everybody ;)
Thank you, Fons!
Sneaking into forbidden area - D850 & AF-S 20mm f/1.8
Great shot Daniel, excellent use of wide-angle.
Flower Bulb field, Egmond aan den Hoef/Nederland
( ( ( by Luc de Schepper (, on Flickr
Very remarkable day
It was partly cloudy
and my focus seems to be off
but it is MY photo, jpg sooc transferred to my phone
nikon v1
70-300 afs vr
1/20 sec f/5.6 iso 400
Very remarkable day
It was partly cloudy
and my focus seems to be off
but it is MY photo, jpg sooc transferred to my phone
nikon v1
70-300 afs vr
1/20 sec f/5.6 iso 400
Oh, yeah, you made it, Armando! Congrats and thanks for sharing!
Very happy you made it Armando, it must have been quite an experience and well done!
Although I was far off the path of totality, thanks to work travel I was able to experience the partial phase skipping back outside after getting my boarding pass at Los Angeles International airport. The terminal drop-off area was overhanging, but I was lucky that a part of the road happened to be blocked off with cones so that it was safe to stay out there. A few others gathered too, but most without proper means for safe observation. So I used the opportunity for a litte outreach activity, giving proper warnings and instruction on how to observe multiple pinhole projections on a piece of paper. Here is a "simulation" of their result with the 300mm f/4 PF +TC-14E +Baader Astrosolar film OD 5.
Very remarkable day
It was partly cloudy
and my focus seems to be off
but it is MY photo, jpg sooc transferred to my phone
nikon v1
70-300 afs vr
1/20 sec f/5.6 iso 400
Great ! Congrats Armando
April 8
Apple blossom
Zf _ nikkor-o 55mm f/1.2
Agree...lots going on.
Great ! Congrats Armando
Armando still going strong with the 1 V1!
Great ! Congrats Armando
One day, my son will be ready for a Dremel and epoxy.
Nikon Zf, 50mm f/1.4 AI.
Plus soldering iron and some coding? :D
Looks to me like he's on the right path to become a maker.
Thank you all
My plan was to shoot totality with the x-t3, but I was not able to get a decent shot and swapped back to the Nikon V1.
Nice work Luc. Love it.
Flower Bulb field, Egmond aan den Hoef/Nederland
Flower Bulb field, Egmond aan den Hoef/Nederland
Amazing detail with GRIII Luc
but it is MY photo, jpg sooc transferred to my phone
Well done, Armando!
Nice work Luc. Love it.
Thanks Hugh.
Flower Bulb field, Egmond aan den Hoef/Nederland
Amazing detail with GRIII Luc
Thanks Daniel. That little Ricoh is a real powerhouse, very sharp across the frame.
Winter without any ending? Hopefully, not.
Very remarkable day
It was partly cloudy
and my focus seems to be off
but it is MY photo, jpg sooc transferred to my phone
nikon v1
70-300 afs vr
1/20 sec f/5.6 iso 400
One more praise Armando. I agree to previous comments. It is also a great ambiance and surreal take in the fringe of classic scifi creations. Lovely
Dainty and blue!
Zf _ nikkor-o 55mm f/1.2
Delicate and ethereal, Fons
Dainty and blue!
Zf _ nikkor-o 55mm f/1.2
Wonderful image
Thank you Paco and Armando!
Pura vida - D850 & AF-S 20mm f/1.8
Breakfast time.
Fresh Spring Colours
D850 AF 35-70/3.3-4.5
nice and clean plate ;D D850 & AF-S 20mm f/1.8
April 11
no more flowers
Df _ Voigtländer 125mm f/2.5
Cry Baby is one of my late step-son's cats. We're trying to find a new home for them all now. Photo from yesterday, visiting with her and shooting at ISO 6400. D3 with 28/2 AI lens used at ƒ/2.
Typical street scene downtown Oslo. People cross the street with little or no attention to pedestrian crossings, and the building are decorated with wrongly written labels. The Norwegian languages don't have any official standard for pronounciation, however we do have rules for writing. Which people apparently enjoy breaking all the time. Oh well. National idiosyncrasy.
IR b/w taken with the Nikkor 40mm f/2 on my modified Z5. This lens is quickly becoming a favourite for this kind of work, yet not by far the optically 'best' design. It just delivers pleasing images and what more could one ask for? Plus, no nasty hot spot in IR either, which is unfortunately a very uncommon situation for native Z lenses.
I noticed the Dano-Norwegian king giving the street its name became official king at the age of 11. Children rights weren't obviously protected in 1588:)
At the art school.
The imagebwas taken with the D2x at iso H1, processed in nxd, send through whatsapp, put on a phone filter and now send here. Sorry. Interesting nowadays trip for an image thou.
D2X, 35mm 1.8dx
Perhaps attach the image so we all understand what you're up to these days, Paco?
Now there was an image. Apparently all those fancy denoising tools worked well?
I rarely used my D2X above ISO 400 in its heydays. Then it was a workhorse and brought home the bacon so to speak. Not much spare time for playing around with it.
Visitors watch the work of Kara Walker in Museum de Pont
D850 24-70/2.8 VR
I went today to visit my friend Yeyo, an artist and painter's teacher at his school. Big city building with various activities, including an exhibition with one of my pictures. Long story short, the lights went out. This head was set up for work but as the blackout happened, the light, very low, was nteresting, coming reflected from a far away window while the background was black. I took the chance to really push de camera, looking to get enough grain to make it look like pencil on a textured paper. The exposure was around iso H1 (1600?), f1.8, 1/50th. I had to increase contrast and deepen the blacks to tame the color noise, then black and white. Whatdoyouknow? I like it ;D
Of course is open to discussion
I love it Paco. The grain with the D1x is even better
Thank you. Please, do show if you feel like it. I don't have one
Waiting for a second 'new' battery pack for the D1X. apparently the Li-Ion kind is charged OK by my available original chargers for the D1/D1X/D1H class cameras. However, the old Ni-MhH batteries are mostly dead by now and will work only in my IR-modified D1 which apparently requires less electric juice to operate (?).
At present I'm working intensively to get ready a series of lectures on Aquatic botany to be held during the sprimg. Perhaps I'm nit-picking too much about the quality of my illustrations, as the completion date for the sequences move closer and closer to my abosulte dead-line next week. Oh well. They'll be ready on time.
I had a short break this afternoon and an epiphany when I looked to the window sill noticing the last remnants of daffodils I put there some days ago. Ruth is currently in Australia for three more weeks and she know that I -- as the botanist of the family -- easily will kill any plant left in my care. Thus she has set up a contingency plan involving friends to secure the survival of her potted plants while she is down under. The daffodils weren't included so they are sure to die off prematurely. However, not without leaving a permanent imprint on my Z5 IR camera. Now, posting this and returning to work.
Waiting for a second 'new' battery pack for the D1X. apparently the Li-Ion kind is charged OK by my available original chargers for the D1/D1X/D1H class cameras. However, the old Ni-MhH batteries are mostly dead by now and will work only in my IR-modified D1 which apparently requires less electric juice to operate (?).
The D1x needs more electric. I have a few Ni-MhH but they are not perfect. The two new Li-Ion work perfectly, but it's a nuisance the D1x will stop working without warning when the batteries are 'empty'
At present I'm working intensively to get ready a series of lectures on Aquatic botany to be held during the sprimg. Perhaps I'm nit-picking too much about the quality of my illustrations, as the completion date for the sequences move closer and closer to my abosulte dead-line next week. Oh well. They'll be ready on time.
I had a short break this afternoon and an epiphany when I looked to the window sill noticing the last remnants of daffodils I put there some days ago. Ruth is currently in Australia for three more weeks and she know that I -- as the botanist of the family -- easily will kill any plant left in my care. Thus she has set up a contingency plan involving friends to secure the survival of her potted plants while she is down under. The daffodils weren't included so they are sure to die off prematurely. However, not without leaving a permanent imprint on my Z5 IR camera. Now, posting this and returning to work.
love the interpretetion of these daffodils Birna
April 12
cabbage field
D3S 105mm f/1.4
Teguise - D850 & AF-S 20mm f/1.8
April 24
the gathering
Zf - Z 40mm f/2
Uninvited (despite the grains!) but very welcome guest for breakfast this morning...
24-200 f/4-6.3
At dusk.
My small IR kit, using a lens focal length factor of approx. 2X. I have given priorities whenever possible to smaller and lighter lenses, however as focal lengths grow that becomes rather difficult.
From left to right, middle row: Laowa 11mm f/4.5 (using rear-mounted gel filter), Viltrox 20mm f/2.8, Nikkor Z 40mm f/2 SE, Nikkor 85mm f/2 AI, Voigtländer APO-Lanthar 180mm f/4. All lenses except the Laowa are CPU-enabled. The niceness of this kit is that most can take 52mm filters (20-180mm optics).
Rear row: Nikkor Z 400mm f/4.5, very lightweight for its focal length, however cannot use internal filter so requires expensive 95mm filter size.
Front row: GPS recorder Transystem GL-770M, Nikon Z5 (full-spectrum modified) with extra power pack and Foolography 18'N2 GPS module, FTZ adapter for the F-mount lenses.
All lenses are good to excellent in IR, however the 400mm should not be stopped down all the way unless you specifically wish to have an IR hot spot :) I tend to use it in the f/4.5-f/5.6 range where it performs excellently for IR. The old Nikkor 400mm f/3.5 ED-IF can use internal filters (39mm) and is maybe a tad better for IR, but is much heavier and of course manual focus only. The Zoom-Nikkor 80-200mm f/4 AiS can substitute for the 85 & 180 lenses for some assignments. If I plan on shooting close-ups, I might bring either the Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/4 or UV-Nikkor 105mm f/4.5 instead of the 85mm. If I have any urge to lift weights, the wonderful AFS 200mm f/2 Nikkor can replace the CV 180.
technically bad - didn't watch the settings and ended up with ISO 6'400 on D850 - thanks to all the crutches in Adobe Lr and Ps it's half decent. Lens used is AF-S 300mm PF.
Sun setting over a field of wild orchids, Gers, South West France
April 14
Wisteria the earliest in bloom ever remembered
D850 28mm f/1.4
April 14
Wisteria the earliest in bloom ever remembered
D850 28mm f/1.4
Yes! Here since about a week.
On a windy day
Z8 28 f2.8Z
Breakfast time.
Crema imperfetto?
Another unusual Marathon shot. We were playing for the runners for the 15th time and I decided that my hurting back needed another kind of workout. So I put down the very big drum and did a little monkey dance workout when Ulla caught me airborne... video still from a very old smartphone
Syringa vulgaris. Spring is in the air.
( ( ( by Luc de Schepper (, on Flickr
Frank, you look exactly like yourself as a drummer :)
A $ for her thoughts.
Another unusual Marathon shot. We were playing for the runners for the 15th time and I decided that my hurting back needed another kind of workout. So I put down the very big drum and did a little monkey dance workout when Ulla caught me airborne... video still from a very old smartphone
Frank, you made me scanning my pictures again ;) :
After a spell with my 50mm Nikkor, I am playing with a 35mm.
Nikon Zf, 35mm f/2 AI.
Fruits of the
loom chain saw.
Frank, you look exactly like yourself as a drummer :)
I love to play the drums...
Frank, you made me scanning my pictures again ;) :
Thank you, Werner
April 15
weather returned to brisk after a couple of beautiful days
Zf Z 35mm f/1.8S
... the forgotten thrill of the waiting time, between the first shot after inserting the film roll to the return of the negative from the lab ... so please allow me to insert a latent picture here :)
Frank, you made me scanning my pictures again ;) :
Nice separation of fore- and background, the latter is smooth while still well "drawn".
... the forgotten thrill of the waiting time, between the first shot after inserting the film roll to the return of the negative from the lab ... so please allow me to insert a latent picture here :)
The creative delay is not tolerated but appreciated.
A composition using available elements.
A composition using available elements.
Well put, "A composition using available elements"!
April 16
Z7_2 Z 105mm f/2.8 S
I like the sharp front petal with the rest of the tulips unsharp. Nice effect.
April 16
Z7_2 Z 105mm f/2.8 S
Thanks Hugh!
heavy rain and a lot of strange light situations today. Pale bright blue light, next to nightfall dimming due to low clouds and now a summer rain... I love the lush green!
Well put, "A composition using available elements"!
Thank you, Fons!
The main branch of Oslo Public Library is the Deichman Bjørvika library. The new building is near the harbour and Oslo Fjord and has an interesting architecture (?). After its opening a few years ago it has become immensely popular. Lots of space and free wi-fi to go with the books or the social meetings taking place in- and outside.
The Oslo Opera house is in the background. Part of the building goes directly into the sea.
Odd man out.
April 17
Geranium 'Sabani blue'
Zfc Z 105mm f/2.8S
grasshopper on aloe vera - D850 & AF-S 20mm f/1.8
The view from my bedroom window in the morning.
( (
Morgonsol ( by Asle Feten (, on Flickr
Lille, last week. Nikon FE, 50/1.8 AI, Ilford HP5+
Lille, last week. Nikon FE, 50/1.8 AI, Ilford HP5+
Worth the wait...
The view from my bedroom window in the morning.
Nice view caught at the right moment!
One of Australia's least palatable beers, so it's no surprise that people aren't queued up to buy :o
Street photo - Teguise Lanzarote - D850 & AF-S 20mm f/1.8
Spring has arrived. Not everyone would be able to move around to enjoy the flowers?
Spring has arrived. Not everyone would be able to move around to enjoy the flowers?
Apparently, the flowers are enjoying their freedom more than the human beings...
Airy #164 very nice composition and lots of great details pleasing to the eye
Thanks Chip and Akira.
This is from the "test roll" and the fine surprise is, that old FE is in perfect working order, especially the metering cell and the shutter.
Main challenge is the film itself : dust, damage (resulting in "bright pixels" or rather speckles). Not 100% satisfied with the lab, but I do not want to do the chemistry again.
Another shot from the 1st day, same FE + 50/1.8 AI; aperture was f/2.8 if memory serves. Man I love the texture of the HP5.
Does the lab also scan the negative? Output is on the "flat" side and you should consider an increase in contrast, perhaps.
Film grain is -- film grain, and here the genuine thing too.
April 18
Zfc 300mm f/4
Spring has arrived. Not everyone would be able to move around to enjoy the flowers?
what about ... walking?
Lille, last week. Nikon FE, 50/1.8 AI, Ilford HP5+
your "antique sensor" needs some serious cleaning
grasshopper on aloe vera - D850 & AF-S 20mm f/1.8
last time I saw this combination of textures and light 2016 in a mission in California
The first curls of Bracken
Boulder Hall
Z6 + Z 24-200mm
( ( ( by Luc de Schepper (, on Flickr
Does the lab also scan the negative? Output is on the "flat" side and you should consider an increase in contrast, perhaps.
Film grain is -- film grain, and here the genuine thing too.
I scan myself (Epson flat scanner) and the relatively flat contrast was a personal choice in both cases. I did not buy that FE to mimick a Df with a Zeiss lens on ;)
If you like hard, you'll also get it. My second roll is an Ilford 400 XP2: a rather meek film (C41 processing), but wait until I edit the Aston Villa hooligan shots of today. The third one will be a Rollei 400S "Retro", not exactly a portrait film, and a sharp-grained one. Then back to old love HP5, probably. I'll open a thread for that later.
Early Dahlia. Too windy to stack so 1/80 @ f11 during a brief lull. Hasselblad X2D, XCD 120 Macro.
Starburst - AF-S 20mm f/1.8
That particular 20mm is actually very good in making "star bursts". I frequently used the effect myself. Sadly it's among the lenses I no longer actively use as I don't likethe handling of it on the Z system.
'The graduates' waiting for the train ... forming an RGB triplet as well.
Starburst - AF-S 20mm f/1.8
one of my favourite lenses!
April 19
Z7 Z 20mm f/1.8S
Many thanks Birna and Frank. Yes I love the AF-S 20mm f/1.8 and also the AF-S 24mm f/1.8 for their starbursts. I also have the Z 20mm f/1.8 which is sharper but less starburst capable. I was planning on selling my DSLR and just using these great lenses and the 58mm f/1.4 via FTZ on a Z body but as Birna said the handling isn't ideal. Horses for courses...
The 'Neo-Noct' 58/1.4 handles very well via FTZ due to its low weight and short build, though. In fact, after having used Paco's sample I was ever so slightly tempted to get one myself. However, I thwarted the attempt by reminding myself the 58/1.4 does make IR hot spots. So am safe for the time being :)
Many thanks Birna and Frank. Yes I love the AF-S 20mm f/1.8 and also the AF-S 24mm f/1.8 for their starbursts. I also have the Z 20mm f/1.8 which is sharper but less starburst capable. I was planning on selling my DSLR and just using these great lenses and the 58mm f/1.4 via FTZ on a Z body but as Birna said the handling isn't ideal. Horses for courses...
Thank you for the clarification.
I still use 3 DSLR Bodies alongside my two Z Bodies. I even got the 1.4/24G again because I love its rendering so much: Pure Magic at f/1.4 ... The 1.8/20G is a terrific workhorse and very robust when strong light sources are in the frame. As I do not shoot IR the 1.4/58G is my favourite Portrait lens on the D500...
... few days ago I thought to look into the 24mm f/1.4 - now that they can be had for a bargain.
Haven't ever used one but Frank's statement makes me even more curious.
How is the 24mm f/1.4 for starbursts?
Zf Z 40mm f/2
Windows? D850 & AF-S 20mm f/1.8
tulips and roses tell my soul "spring" as long as I avoid looking out of my window where frost is announced and possible snowfall
Zf Voigt 1/50mm @f/1.0
... few days ago I thought to look into the 24mm f/1.4 - now that they can be had for a bargain.
Haven't ever used one but Frank's statement makes me even more curious.
How is the 24mm f/1.4 for starbursts?
I do not judge this lens on starbursts.
The features I love are:
next to zero geometrical distortion, plain flat field by the book
great transitions
fairy dust effect wide open due to intentionally uncorrected "faults" (
tulips and roses tell my soul "spring" as long as I avoid looking out of my window where frost is announced and possible snowfall
Zf Voigt 1/50mm @f/1.0
Frank such a wonderful dreamy feeling
Here is an image from the tree in the backyard
x-t3 55-200 zomm @200mm f/4.8
tulips and roses tell my soul "spring" as long as I avoid looking out of my window where frost is announced and possible snowfall
Zf Voigt 1/50mm @f/1.0
Smooooth rendering Frank
Thank you Armando and Daniel.
I hope it is OK if I show you the same situation at f/2.8? It is a completely different superhigh precision cool rendering... could even be interesting for Mr Earlewine
Colors - D850 & AF-S 20mm f/1.8
Colors - D850 & AF-S 20mm f/1.8
very beautiful. I would be tempted to lower the camera position for even better geometry here
Exploring the situation further at f/1.0: How can I create a kind of "definition feel" while the DOF is too shallow to create real definition?
Saint Anna by three 1475. On wood in the original colours (Three generations in one statue)
In Museum De Hofstadt, Diest Belgium
Df AF-D 28-70/3.5-4.5
April 21
yellow car
Zf, Z 85mm f/1.8S
Dark sky.
Dark sky.
Wow :o
Dark sky.
Nice one :D - Quite impressive!
Dark sky.
A beauty, Bruno
Entrance to Begijnhof, Diest, Belgium
Df 28-70/3.5
Dark sky.
Thank you, guys.
We had our fair share of winter storms this year. When I stopped counting them, at 10, last year at the same date we only had had 4. This one did not count as a storm though :)
Another instance of the green flash, a few days ago. Ambleteuse, Opal coast, France.
D500 500/5.6PF + TC1.4 III. Slightly cropped.
Another instance of the green flash, a few days ago. Ambleteuse, Opal coast, France.
D500 500/5.6PF + TC1.4 III. Slightly cropped.
Looks nuclear ;) to me!
Cellnex radiotower
D850, afs 300mm f/2.8
Looks nuclear ;) to me!
do not panic, these are the usual aliens only
A variation for today f/1.4
Another instance of the green flash, a few days ago. Ambleteuse, Opal coast, France.
D500 500/5.6PF + TC1.4 III. Slightly cropped.
This is a rare capture, Bruno! Fabulous!
Looks nuclear ;) to me!
Technically, you're correct, Fons but I'm not sure about Frank's aliens :)
Thanks Akira. I have a very good spot with almost ideal conditions to see it, when the weather is right.
Spring, resuming gardening duties …
Another instance of the green flash, a few days ago. Ambleteuse, Opal coast, France.
D500 500/5.6PF + TC1.4 III. Slightly cropped.
I have had my share of sunsets but have never seen the green light...and I look for it!
Thank you for sharing
With a clear horizon and the sun setting over the sea, it happens regularly.
Maybe heat waves of a too warm sea blur it too much. I don’t know as where I am, the sun sets over the coast of UK in summer, so no green flash possible. This was probably my last sighting before October.
If the weather in the Opal Coast was a bit more predictable, I could set up a Green Flash NG meeting but alas, there is no reliable weather pattern there in Spring and Fall.
Dark sky.
Most impressive... good time to stay ashore!
Ice plant has warm flower
A variation for today f/1.4
The CV f/1.0 lens seems to be a tool you have been needing for a while. You are getting lovely results with it.
Still some aurora around although darkness is quickly disappearing.
Nice to see, thanks for sharing, Øivind.
Once in a long while, every 2 or 3 years, they could be visible from Belgium but again last week, as usual, they were hidden by clouds…
Thanks Bruno. At least when you on rare occasions get the auroras at lower latitudes you are rewarded with the nice red colors.
BTW, that was a spectacular green flash you captured on the last page, almost detached!
Lovely green spark Bruno
Thanks Akira. I have a very good spot with almost ideal conditions to see it, when the weather is right.
Amazingly, you must be looking down the length of the Channel to see this.
I've never seen this when looking West at sunsets from Cornwall or Western Ireland.
That one was special indeed but most of the time, I only get this, which is only visible with a long lens or binoculars. With the naked eye my wife sees only a very faint and fleeting green spot 1 on 3 times, roughly. That could be the reason why you don't see it.
Dungeness is over 40km from here. With clear sky and a binocular, I can see the power plant.
That one was special indeed but most of the time, I only get this, which is only visible with a long lens or binoculars. With the naked eye my wife sees only a very faint and fleeting green spot 1 on 3 times, roughly. That could be the reason why you don't see it.
Dungeness is over 40km from here. With clear sky and a binocular, I can see the power plant.
Bruno 'must be one of your better blurry shots'! Beats me whats out there?
April 23
the z 20mm f/1.8s being one of the sharper z lenses
is not perfect
Zf Z 20mm f/1.8S @f/5.6 iso 3600
The CV f/1.0 lens seems to be a tool you have been needing for a while. You are getting lovely results with it.
you are too kind, Keith. I loved to be more bold and just jump into the next plane to get roasted in the California sun. Here we got freezing nights and rainy days. Just today we had some sun at one digit Celsius temperatures in the shadow...
... how is it in California?
April 23
the z 20mm f/1.8s being one of the sharper z lenses
is not perfect
Zf Z 20mm f/1.8S @f/5.6 iso 3600
Fons, your bookshelf offers space for many more lenses ;D the right amount of lenses is n+1
Fons, your bookshelf offers space for many more lenses ;D the right amount of lenses is n+1
More of them are in a different cupboard ;)
April 23
the z 20mm f/1.8s being one of the sharper z lenses
is not perfect
Zf Z 20mm f/1.8S @f/5.6 iso 3600
This is not a cupboard ;) (René Magritte)
This is not a cupboard ;) (René Magritte)
Not a cupboard more of a lens and camera-board.
Bruno 'must be one of your better blurry shots'! Beats me whats out there?
Thanks Fons. It’s a green flash, but weakened by heat waves and some small clouds remnants.
It looks like your lens cupboard is overflowing to the “easiest to grab” area of the house :)
Spring time, coexistence of red and tender green.
April 24
two cats
Zf, Z 40mm f/2
Yours, Fons? Sooo cat, these cats.
Spring time, deep blue.
Yours, Fons? Sooo cat, these cats.
Bruno, they are not ours, although i like cats and dogs we dont have any at present, the only pets we have are snails and slugs in the garden, plenty of them!
Lest we not forget.
Nikon Z fc, Viltrox 20mm f/2.8
Lest we not forget.
Nikon Z fc, Viltrox 20mm f/2.8
Too bad we are destined to witness suffering we cannot help.
Lille, St Maurice "en ville".
Nikon FE, 50/1.8 AI, Ilford XP2 (400 ISO, set at 320)
Still experimenting. I'm considering finding another lab, this one leaves too much sticky dust on the negatives, including that one (c41 process). The film is excellent but delivers no "grain", hence the somewhat "digital" look. As I am shooting film as an alternative and complement to digital, I'll look elsewhere. I have started a roll of Rollei 400 "retro", we'll see. Otherwise, HP5. There is also that film with an extended red-to-near-infrared response (Ilford SFX 200) that I'd like to experiment with.
Cherry trees enjoy their short blossoming fling downtown Oslo. The tree reponds to daylight period more than temperture, apparently, as we have unusually cold weather for this time of the year. Night temperaturs go below the freezing point and we have occasional episodes of snowing.
The tiny Viltrox 20mm f/2.8 again does its job admirably. It's a a steal even without considering its low price. Only drawback is the lens hood that easily tends to dislodge and can get lost, but by adhering to Erik's hood fastening method this is no longer a problem.
D850 58mm f/1.4
btw another edible plant
old house new house
Only drawback is the lens hood that easily tends to dislodge and can get lost, but by adhering to Erik's hood fastening method this is no longer a problem.
Dabbling with epoxy in the near proximity to the front of a lens is dangerous and one could easily damage the lens beyond repair. So the trick is using tiny screws instead, see the attached image.
Nikon Zf, Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/4 AI.
Sunset with Sahara sand in the sky...
D4 58/1.4 G
April 26
D850 400mm f/5.6
Sunset with Sahara sand in the sky...
D4 58/1.4 G
Amazing colors John!
first experiments with the Z 4.5/400 S
today the limiting factor was my getting acquainted to the machine plus the fact that I used it with the Z6 not the Zf. The AF System of the Zf is far better with some lenses but pls do not keep your breath
My son taking a haircut seriously.
Nikon Zf, 50mm f/1.4 AI.
... how is it in California?
Frank, It is now spring time, which on most days means cool air and warm sun.
If you come back, we'll look at some of our vintage vernacular architecture and water conservation efforts(and other things)...
My head is on fire in this reflected selfie. No wonder, as the traditional Norwegian 'bunad' is so beautiful. They are also very very expensive and can cost with all accessories included anything from $3000 to $15000. An amazing array of hand-made silverware, bonnets, purses, and trinkets go with the dress which itself is hand-made and sown to fit a specific person. There are many local versions and you are meant to wear the one reflecting your origin in the country. There is even a 'Bunad Police' checking you don't cheat to get the most popular ones. The version for me would cost a cool $8000. Oh well. If I get appointed to have an audience with the King, I'll certainly need it. Meanwhile, I enjoy the sight.
Are the local variations a little like the Scots and their tartans?
Certainly very colourful.
My head is on fire in this reflected selfie. No wonder, as the traditional Norwegian 'bunad' is so beautiful. They are also very very expensive and can cost with all accessories included anything from $3000 to $15000. An amazing array of hand-made silverware, bonnets, purses, and trinkets go with the dress which itself is hand-made and sown to fit a specific person. There are many local versions and you are meant to wear the one reflecting your origin in the country. There is even a 'Bunad Police' checking you don't cheat to get the most popular ones. The version for me would cost a cool $8000. Oh well. If I get appointed to have an audience with the King, I'll certainly need it. Meanwhile, I enjoy the sight.
Yes indeed.
Must have been quite a weather event to see Sahara sand at your latitudes.
Amazing colors John!
Are the local variations a little like the Scots and their tartans?
Certainly very colourful.
We operate on geography, they on clans. but in principle, yes, a similar approach.
The one that I'm selected by fate to choose is this one. Usually in black, but sometimes seen in dark blue as well. Price equivalent to a new Z9 :)
April 27
Acer palmatum 'Princeton Gold'
D850 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6vr
Folkloristic group - Z6 & Z 24-120mm
My photographer friend is now entirely confined to his electric wheelchair and bound to the indoors-- still busy culling photos for an upcoming exhibition later this spring. He has stamina.
Zf with the Nikkor 85mm f/1.4 AiS.
Lille Flandres train station. I hope they will never clean these windows, they’re fascinating. Every time I’m there I keep taking pictures.
D500 300/4 PF
Thanks for the explanations. The Scottish clans can span considerable geographic areas and my clan (Gunn) has up to 77 other surnames associated with it as well - just to add to the confusion!
The dress appears as if it has a lot of hand stitching in its manufacture, so no doubt that adds to the cost. It certainly looks neat.
We operate on geography, they on clans. but in principle, yes, a similar approach.
The one that I'm selected by fate to choose is this one. Usually in black, but sometimes seen in dark blue as well. Price equivalent to a new Z9 :)
Meet Eva, she was extra happy today for personal reasons. We had a nice chat next to the city market in Cádiz, over a decent amount of churros and chocolate
D5, 58mm 1.4g
Amazing colors John!
Thanks Daniel
April 28
Disagreeable weather, windy, some rain, heavy overcast!
Aquilegia vulgaris
Zf, Z 105mm f/2.8S
Almond blossom.
Nikon Zf, 24mm f/2.8 AI.
Back to Chania after 7 years. Last time a NikonGear meeting with Elias and Birna
Spoorpark during King's day (27 april)
D850 58G
Forcalquier. D500 10.5/2.8 DX
Keria Japonica
D850 58G
April 29
Scilla peruviana, Portuguese squill
Zf, Z 105mm f/2.8S
Azalea and local train. Superwide camera on iPhone 14.
Great catch Akira. The soft curves and the hard lines; bright colors vs muted palette. It works wotj contrast in many levels. It accentuates the characteristics of both parts
Testing new acquisition at Creamer's Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge. ;)
Great catch Akira. The soft curves and the hard lines; bright colors vs muted palette. It works wotj contrast in many levels. It accentuates the characteristics of both parts
Thank you, Paco. Love your interpretation!
A wavelet. courtesy of Zf and the 105/2.8 MC Nikkor
Fischreiher Z6 with 4.5/400S
The grey heron has positioned itself in a stand of the sweet-smelling Acorus calamus :)
Are you purchasing the lens now? It's a lens one gets easily addicted to.
White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons) at at Creamer's Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge last night, one of my first with the 500mm f/5.6 PF, minimal processing and moderate crop.
The grey heron has positioned itself in a stand of the sweet-smelling Acorus calamus :)
Are you purchasing the lens now? It's a lens one gets easily addicted to.
As I lie sick im bed I could not test the lens in the way that I intended to (birds, insects) ... I hope I feel strong enough to go for a longer walk today
As I lie sick im bed I could not test the lens in the way that I intended to (birds, insects) ... I hope I feel strong enough to go for a longer walk today
You seem to have been sick in bed for quite a long time, Frank. Hope you get better as soon as possible.
April 30
Geranium robertianum 'Celtic White'
grows in a crack of a garden table.
Df, Zf Distagon 35mm f/2
Oh la la
Ricoh GRIII (at 50mm crop setting)
( ( ( by Luc de Schepper (, on Flickr
Oh la la
Ricoh GRIII (at 50mm crop setting)
( ( ( by Luc de Schepper (, on Flickr
Undeniably a very sharp camera!
White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons) at at Creamer's Field Migratory Waterfowl Refuge last night, one of my first with the 500mm f/5.6 PF, minimal processing and moderate crop.
Watch out, You’re turning into a birder, Øivind. You’ll soon long for longer lenses :)
As I lie sick im bed I could not test the lens in the way that I intended to (birds, insects) ... I hope I feel strong enough to go for a longer walk today
Too bad. Hope you get well soon, Frank.
Nikon D1x AF-D 50/1.4
Geranium robertianum 'Celtic White'
grows in a crack of a garden table.
Beautiful Fons.
A lovely scene, beautiful composition too
Young mayapples (podophyllum peltatum). They are a lovely example of why watching what animals eat does not help us determine what is safe to eat. Deer love the fruit (not yet present) but the whole plant is poisonous to us.
Nikon Zf, 35mm f/2 AI.
Undeniably a very sharp camera!
It is Fons. 50mm crop mode results in a 7mp image. Not a lot but still ok for web usage.