Author Topic: D500 battery life on long exposures  (Read 5102 times)

elsa hoffmann

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    • Elsa Hoffmann
Re: D500 battery life on long exposures
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2018, 07:42:11 »
It's been quite a while since the launch of the D500 - I would have assumed (obviously incorrectly) that firmware could have addressed at least some of these issues by now.
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Peter Connan

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Re: D500 battery life on long exposures
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2018, 07:56:30 »
Thank you Les, Elsa, Akira and Øivind.

Les, one of my favorite photographic genres is astro-landscape photography.

During the time I had the D750 I shot a lot of long strings of 30-second exposures, often at high ISO's (3200-6400), and I could comfortably rely on getting over 200 images on a battery. I am actually pretty sure it would exceed 400 exposures on average.

Under the same conditions, my D500 does less than a hundred exposures.

Another favorite genre is air-show photography. This basically consists of relatively short exposures (usually between 1/80th and 1/250th), lots of burst shooting, full-time use of AF/C and FR on long prime lenses but infrequent image review.

Under these conditions, the D500 outperforms both the D750 and the D7000 I had before, easily getting more than 1500 exposures.

It is clear to me that my D500 uses it's power differently, and that this is not just a matter of shaving off a couple of percent at the bottom. I suspect the link Elsa posted may indicate that the D500 has a somewhat higher minimum voltage than earlier bodies.

I would like to understand if this is only my camera, and also I need to develop methods to get at least 150 and preferably over 250 exposures out of it without opening the battery door. Trying to make a star-trial with less than 100 30-second exposures is a waste of time, and time-lapse videos are even worse. For those, one needs at least 360 exposures (15 seconds viewing time at the lowest 24 frames per second).

What's more, I need to sort this out within the next 24 days, and the budget is pretty broken. A battery grip and EN-EL18 battery is out of the question right now.

Les Olson

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Re: D500 battery life on long exposures
« Reply #17 on: March 04, 2018, 10:59:06 »
In the discussion related to the Nikon Rumors discussion Elsa referred to there is a comment by Thom Hogan, pointing out that the buffer size and shooting speed of the D500 mean it may really need a more conservative battery exhaustion level than other cameras - you don't want people complaining that their D500 dies in the middle of writing a burst to card.  On the other hand, the F5 had a problem with poor battery life that was caused by setting the battery exhaustion level much more conservatively than was actually necessary.   

The lower readings for remaining charge in the D500 do seem to be a result of the exhaustion level in the D500 being set higher than in other cameras. The question, as Thom says, is whether Nikon's setting for battery exhaustion in the D500 is based on careful testing and it really does need to be that high, or, as in the case of the F5, it is based on a bad guess.