Also here in my part of the world (Oslo), December has been the warmest on record (ie. since 1880 when regular temperature monitoring was introduced). Not entailing it's warm every day of course as it is now approx. -5C outside. But we have seen plenty of days hovering between +5 and +12C this month and no snow in the vicinity of course.
A climate change does not mean the temperature is rising everywhere - we're talking global averages here. Thus some regions can get say colder (and usually wetter) summers in combination with mild winters.
Here is a June scene from northern Norway to cool things a little off. The scene incorporates all three national colours into one: red, blue, white. Red from cryophilic algae*, blue from open water, white from ice and snow.
* these algae thrive at very low temperatures and are used as an example of what a life form on Mars might look like.