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Everyone should track down a copy of Galen Rowell's anthology. Rowell's untimely death was a tragic blow to conservation and ladscape photography alike.Rowell's lens and equipment choices were interesting. Since he had to either run large distances into photographic hot spots spots or personally back pack it in, his choices often favoured lighter weight amateur lenses and camera bodies that he determined could still do the job and at what apertures that their IQ was still "up there".His family still run a site that sells reprints of his work.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I have an even older 20mm lens, the 20mm UD that is still a very good performer - albeit fairly heavy.
One of my favored lenses on my D700 also on my D2x as a 30mm equivalent.Photo of Mesa Arch, had to open in HDR as it was dark on the original RAW so it gave off some anomalies.Never the less this lens has fantastic IQ.