If any lens is decentered, forget about it. Nobody can fix or adjust such a lens. About 20/2.8 AIS - remove front group, there is an aluminum waved lever inside. Easy-open 2 micro bolts on it, and by moving this lever left or right, 1/2 of mm, to the left, say, firstly, assembly the lens back and try the lens to infinity. Better - open it and move more. If it isn't as good as before - move to the right. Be ready to spend as much time as needed. This aluminum white lever is connecting to compensate optical group, which is the part of the front optical group, by turning the optics less or more. Be sure you know the very first, manufacturer's adjusted, position of the lever. Be extremely patient with your microscopic steps, one-by-one! You will be rewarded with sharpness ever possible, after all! Good luck! LZ (You MUST have proper tools and skills!).