You need to read more carefully Frank... All of the bits for the puzzle has been laid out.
Most new Micro Nikkors have IF it makes focal length shorter, much shorter, so you will have to go closer to get the similar FOV compared to the older Micro Nikkors that have unit focusing, constant Focal Length...
When you have to get closer you scare them and also need to move around franticly - Frankly,,,, Longer working distance much less so, also better for lighting the subject.
Look at Rolands pages and see working distance 105/4 vs 105/2.8 IF (AFSVR) difference is about 10cm!
200/4 Ais is perfect combination you loose a little and maintain the working distance and get quick MF and here double the working distance! it has IF but not so much loss of FL.
Led video lights are most of them balanced perfectly you just adjust it for correct WB!
Bjørn nailed it with 200/4