The NikonGear Office > Help Desk
Mike G
People on another site that Mike sometimes frequents are also trying to track him down.
A thought:
With an eye to the future, and a realisation that many of us are at or past retirement age, it might not be a bad idea if an emergency phone number or email address of a contact person could be securely stored by the site administrators for occasions such as trying to track members/supporters/participants down. With cyber frienships and relationships it becomes hard if someone has an extended illness (or even a death) to know what has happened if there is no practical way of contacting them or a contact person.
Jakov Minić:
Dear NG,
I am not an expert on this topic but there might be some data protection concerns as to storing personal data of 3rd parties that are to be contacted in case we miss someone.
What i do know is that when you send a personal message on NG, an automated notification/email is generated and send to the recipient.
At the moment I don't see what else NG can do to reach Mike G.
I certainly hope that Mike G is healthy and that he will reappear in the near future.
Yours, Jakov
Eddie Draaisma:
If everything else fails send a letter to his home address. His home address can be deduced from some of the pictures Mike posted here in combination with Google Maps.
Yes - I totally agree; there would certainly need to be the appropriate signed authorisations from both the NG participants and their named contacts.
--- Quote from: Jakov Minić on June 29, 2020, 07:49:44 ---Dear NG,
I am not an expert on this topic but there might be some data protection concerns as to storing personal data of 3rd parties that are to be contacted in case we miss someone.
What i do know is that when you send a personal message on NG, an automated notification/email is generated and send to the recipient.
At the moment I don't see what else NG can do to reach Mike G.
I certainly hope that Mike G is healthy and that he will reappear in the near future.
Yours, Jakov
--- End quote ---
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