Thanks for the Classic Shell tip, Birna; I will keep that in mind.
I kept experimenting with the Win10 VM, and besides
Open Shell (the open source after comer and latest release of Classic Shell), I found
WinAero Tweaker (also free) particularly useful to change the system to be more Win7 like, or to ones own liking. It seems that MS tried making some settings more easy to change in Win10; however as with the Mac, when one gets beyond that surface layer, it seems that it is less user friendly and requires fairly high skills to make changes - like messing with the registry. The WinAero Tweaker helps avoid that.
With a tweaked Win10 it is certainly not the end of the world if/when I have to upgrade Win7 (I have not encountered any snags with respect to running my legacy applications - drivers more difficult to test in a VM though), but it is quite irritating that something that has such a nice functional/aesthetic look and has worked that well for many years has to be thrashed.
Birna, did you just do the upgrades or full clean installs?
I have usually liked clean installs, however I am not sure if that is necessary/worth the time when upgrading from a well functioning and previously clean installed Win7 that does not drag along too much garbage.