The NikonGear Office > Help Desk
Wishlist: Dark Theme
Bill Mellen:
I wish the theme options included a dark grey background theme with white text.
All of the available theme options I have tried have only bright white background with black text which is hard on my eyes and makes it hard to fully enjoy the wonderful photographs posted here.
I agree that it'd be nice to have a dark gray or black field option.
Birna Rørslett:
Well, there is such a theme now ....
Go to Profile > Modify profile > Look and Layout > Current Theme > Change > (select theme UX)
I tried and it looks nice and sleek but came back. I need my yellow on NG :)
Bill Mellen:
Thanks Birna!
It is a lot easier on my eyes and the uploaded pictures look much better.
All that is left to do is update the new theme with the Nikon Gear Logo, Menu, etc.
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