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Finally! I got a picture of a Pileated Woodpecker from our deck. Overcast and flat light, but for once the bird stuck around long enough for me to catch it in a fleeting perch on a dead branch.They normally zoom by into the brush next to the house, or alight just long enough for me to imagine that I hear Woody Woodpecker’s famous laugh before they fly off. Not the greatest picture, but a small personal victory ...............................
Finally! I got a picture of a Pileated Woodpecker from our deck. Overcast and flat light, but for once the bird stuck around long enough for me to catch it in a fleeting perch on a dead branch.They normally zoom by into the brush next to the house, or alight just long enough for me to imagine that I hear Woody Woodpecker’s famous laugh before they fly off. Not the greatest picture, but a small personal victory
Golden ChainD850 - 105/2 DC
May 11Scilla peruviana flowers very sporidically, survives in a sheltered spot in my small frontgarden.Df micro-nikkor 55mmf/3.5
Giannopoulos, your concert shots are great. They deserve their own thread rather than the generic May thread.
Great shot of a wary bird
Bill, I would be rather "chuffed" if it were my image - due reward for patience and for being ready for when the bird finally cooperated!
Love that contrast between the scooters and the flowers.