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Regte Heide

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John Geerts:
A sort of project: As a kind of  an ''ambassador" of a nature-area, Regte Heide, and one of the administrators  of a Facebook group 'Friends of the "Regte Heide" ( I post on a regular basis photos in the group, mainly to show it's beauty and get perhaps volunteers on board for all kind of nature-maintenance jobs, organized by 'Brabants Landschap', the owner and caretaker of that region.  At least once a month I try to visit the place (it's a two hour bike-travel and have no car). 

The landscape is unique, there are prehistoric grave hills (approx 2.000 BC), a Moore on high grounds (and an old river-bed of the river 'Maas' very long ago), rain-based lakes (vennen) and a small river which has been restored into a valley with high water-levels) and cannot be trespassed. As it is close to the Belgium border, a kind of no-civilisationground, the whole area has been saved over the centuries. There are not so many visitors during the week and the views of the surroundings can be spectacular and calming.

In May / June the 'Iris pseudacorus' turns up, luckily in increasing numbers.

D700 - Nikkor 28mm 1.8G   F/11

Wow, nice one John.

Perhaps nice to join up sometime and go shooting together. I do have a car, so that should ease things  ;) I'm in the Eindhoven area.

Bjørn Rørslett:
Iris pseudacorus is a nice species, true. I always enjoy photographing it. Sometimes I find it beneficial to shoot it in unusual directions due to the highly asymmetric flowers.

It is beautiful in UV as well.

elsa hoffmann:
John - Regte Heide

explain why that name? what does it mean - real Heide (which is a flower as far as I know) ?

John Geerts:

--- Quote from: HCS on July 21, 2015, 21:53:51 ---Wow, nice one John.
Perhaps nice to join up sometime and go shooting together. I do have a car, so that should ease things  ;) I'm in the Eindhoven area.

--- End quote ---
Thanks, Hans.  Well, good idea. Eindhoven is pretty close.  And I know the area.

--- Quote from: Bjørn Rørslett on July 21, 2015, 22:02:50 ---Iris pseudacorus is a nice species, true. I always enjoy photographing it. Sometimes I find it beneficial to shoot it in unusual directions due to the highly asymmetric flowers.

It is beautiful in UV as well.

--- End quote ---
Ah, didn't know that, thanks.  It's growing in wetland here, and to get real close a pair of boots may be a comfort trying different angles ;)  - in this case I wanted the Iris pseudacorus to look 'natural' as a recognition-point for visitors.

--- Quote from: elsa hoffmann on July 21, 2015, 23:19:23 ---John - Regte Heide

explain why that name? what does it mean - real Heide (which is a flower as far as I know) ?

--- End quote ---
Heide has a double meaning, as it's also in english, I believe.  Firsty it's the area were Moore or Heather grows, and secondly, it's the plant.  Ericaceae in Latin to be precise.  'Regt' it's an old dutch word for straight, like a straight road, or something. It has more meanings.

At least two sorts of Ericaceae are growing in 'Regte Heide'.   The Erica tetralix with flowers in June and is more solitary and the Calluna vulgaris which makes a beautiful purple glow in August. I shall enclose some pictures, first one is the Erica Tetralix.


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