Greetings from Ljubljana, capital city of Slovenia, a European country. We have nice weather, up to 23°C with occasional showers. Streets are full of local inhabitants rather than tourists.
When not busy with our final conference, I spent some time wandering around and taking photos like an average tourist, on the street and in churches. Nobody cared, not even the mom of the little girl, and some even appreciated, such as this Romanian cimbalom player with whom I had a long conversation in various languages, in the middle of the shooting session.
The problem is that US citizens (and I'm not targeting Ron or anybody else in this particular case) live in a litigating culture where one professional out of 250 is a lawyer. To be compared with Japan, where the ratio is 1:6000 (if memory serves well - I read these figures a long time ago). Europe must lie somewhere inbetween. So the same piece of law that may appear as a threat to publishing photographers in the US may after all be a reasonable piece of privacy protection in the EU. Context is different.