Curious to know how the camera is Frank! i have a copy waiting for me that i can pick up tomorrow.
First impression: Very much like the D500, but full frame, so basically what I wanted as perfect companion to the D500. After some hours I would say that the color fidelity seems even better than the wonderful color fidelity of the D500 and the camera behavior is very much like the D5: you point the 1.4/105 into a dark hole where you can barely see the outline of a horse and the result is a horse picture with all details perfectly focussed on the eye (if you choose "eye detection"). What I mean with D5 like behavior is that the scene on the display by far ourperforms my visual power.
File size is large: NEFs between 47 and 67MB per click (lossless compressed), JPEGs between 18 and 33MB, a developed NEF tuns into a 250 to 300MB 16-Bit-TIFF.
The horse is ISO 5600, the other files are ISO100 and 110. These five feature the fine tonality I love from my D600 plus a flood of details that makes the software and hardware take their time. I can see every musle and scar on the man's arm, I can see all the traces that water drops left on the steel of the caroussel.
PS: My first film format digital, the D3 arrived in 2008, the D600 in 2013, the D850 replaces both of them. It can do what they can do plus more abd I got the powerworkhorse D500 as a second body. Ideal!
PPS: Now I know what all these HighRes lenses are really made for and why I leared and keep learning proper technique.