Comments (along with sample photos) by a friend about his new 500 f5.6 PF confirm the consensus view expressed's arguably the preferred choice: resolute, effective VR, fast and accurate autofocus, moderately priced, and modest size and weight. The 500 PF approximates the size and weight of contemporary 70-200 f2.8 Nikkors.
Nonetheless, I'm rather wedded to longer MF Nikkors, despite the burden of size and weight. Among the longer lenses, the 400 f3.5 is a favorite which, as Bjorn has alluded to, is quite good wide open. The fast 400s provide considerable compression of distances and subject isolation. The 600 f5.6 AIS is also quite sharp at 5.6, at least for a 24 MP camera...there is visible axial CA under some conditions, though it is slight.
Are TCs necessary: I anticipate a moderately-cropped image from a 500 to obtain resolution equivalent to that of a 600, and improve on that of a 500+TC(1.4) (for 700mm).