I'll do the primary classification by FL, because I mostly use primes and FL is the first thing I choose. Then the choice e.g. between the many 50 or 105 variants is indeed a secondary one.
Most used FLs : out of about 12000 shots,
25 mm : 1020 shots, all Zeiss 25/2
45 mm : 1500 shots, all Tamron 45/1.8
50 mm : 2700 shots, Summicron R leading with 900, then Zeiss 50/2 (either version) 835, then 50/2 AI with 460...
58 mm : 650 shots, essentially Voigtländer, then a few from the Noct I did not purchase.
105 mm : 1600 shots, with more than half coming from 105/2.5 AIS and AI ; the rest from 70-200, or 105/1.8, or 105/2.8 VR, or a Sigma 24-105 test
Stats are approximate, because LR sometimes fails to identify the lens properly, or because I did not tag the shots with exact lens characteristics .
In terms of lenses, the three leaders are therefore Tamron 45/1.8, Zeiss 25/2, and third being Summicron R and 105/2.5 ex aequo.