Jack: I feel it is not fair to compare these. The 2.5/105 is a wonderful piece of glass. Small. Light weight. Sleek. Elegant. With a very special wonderful way of drawing. MF. Ages old.
Fair enough, Frank.
The 105E is new expensive highly specialized different. I'd like to have both.
Mmm, I think the 105E can do anything the other can do ... and then some ... not so much the other way around.
The 105 f/2.5 is more of a casual lens imo, the 105E when you really want to nail a shot (esp) wide-open.
A 2.8/300 is also something completely different than the 200-500 zoom. It is not only huge and heavy and very expensive, it is for a special purpose.
Huge and heavy, yes. Far superior optically, yes again.
I disagree it's for special purpose. I've got everything from macros 10' away to portraits 100m away.
The 2x TCIII on it will give better results than the 200-500 at 500.
When I was buying the 200-500 I wanted "my first birding lens" .... I ended up with the 300PF a 300mm that is only F=4.0 but so small lightweight and unintrusive that I can take shots with it I simply cannot take with a 2.8/300mm .... no way people let me point that chunk of glass at them with flashing light exclation marks stating "professional" or "paparazzi"...
For people, I'd have to agree, where "softness" is acceptable.
For wildlife, which demands sharpness, I'd much rather have the superior f/2.8. Plus, again, it takes the 2x TC III perfectly ... where the 300 f/4 does not.
Sometimes a small unitrusive camera is right sometimes the bold appearence. Sometimes a D5 with 2.8/400 another time a X100T.
Like anything, I suppose it's based on what you're after. If you want to hike for fun, and capture some shots, with versatility, the 200-500 is lighter and more versatile.
If you want to take the finest image of the wildlife you come across, the 300 f/2.8 is the way to go.
I am saving up for the 600 FL VR as my next investment.
Dave is a wonderful person with a 50 year career in pro photography. He knows exactly what he is doing. More than most of us and the rest of the NG community is pretty serious when it comes to photography.
What does this have to do with anything?
I was comparing the two lenses, not the résumés of people.
Even in the hands of Ansel Adams, the 200-500 would still be optically-inferior to the 300 f/2.8 II ... but definitely more convenient for casual use.