Author Topic: Yosemite National Park and the Eastern Sierra, California  (Read 9116 times)

Tom Hook

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Re: Yosemite National Park and the Eastern Sierra, California
« Reply #15 on: December 25, 2016, 20:37:56 »
So many good photographs here. I'll leave it at that.

Bill De Jager

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Re: Yosemite National Park and the Eastern Sierra, California
« Reply #16 on: December 25, 2016, 21:38:10 »
Thank you, Tom

Cedars, Dogwood Hollow, Yosemite NP by Bill de Jager, on Flickr

This photo deserves a little more explanation.  I took a number of shots in this general location of these and nearby trees.  This photo (and one or two that were nearly the same) had the best procession of tree trunks into the distance.  However, I then noticed the dead stick in the lower left.  I couldn't move it out of the way so I ended up shifting my position to get a less satisfactory composition.  In the end I decided to use this photo despite the stick.  Maybe next year I'll try again at this exact same spot to see if I can improve on my past effort.

I also tried processing this photo in Photo Ninja, but it turned the sky a nice 'that's what people expect' blue that doesn't ring true to me.


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Re: Yosemite National Park and the Eastern Sierra, California
« Reply #17 on: December 25, 2016, 23:42:22 »
Very attractive composition and colours.

PN sometimes produces odd results when recovering over exposed sky.  Colour correction>Colour recovery often needs to be turned down.
Anthony Macaulay


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Re: Yosemite National Park and the Eastern Sierra, California
« Reply #18 on: December 25, 2016, 23:52:22 »
Many wonderful pictures, but the second one from Mount Gibbs are really wonderful :)

Peter Connan

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Re: Yosemite National Park and the Eastern Sierra, California
« Reply #19 on: December 26, 2016, 04:48:33 »
Great photography. I love the blown snow!


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Re: Yosemite National Park and the Eastern Sierra, California
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2016, 13:08:18 »
Thank you for the great images and narrative - and along with the closeups - took me along for a virtual hike.

Bill De Jager

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Re: Yosemite National Park and the Eastern Sierra, California
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2016, 18:58:30 »
Thanks Anthony, Børge, Peter, and Chimper.  I appreciate your taking the time to look.

Of course I'm not showing the large number of failed compositions, nor have I disclosed the large amount of cropping I sometimes had to do to make the better compositions more focused.  I need to do much better at getting the composition right at the start.  Still, I feel I'm making some progress and my many mistakes are very instructive.

Bill De Jager

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Re: Yosemite National Park and the Eastern Sierra, California
« Reply #22 on: January 18, 2017, 07:15:06 »
The story continues as I slowly proceed back down the west side of the Sierra Nevada.

First, I stopped at Pywiack Dome next to Tenaya Lake.  The Sierra Nevada is well known for its large amount of granitic rock, largely granodiorite, which make up the Sierra Nevada Batholith.  Particularly in the Yosemite region, much of this rock is very massive with widely spaced joints.  The result is a tendency for domes to form, especially in areas where past glaciation scraped away layers of weathered rock above the massive granite below.

Pywiak Dome is named after the local Native American ethnic group's name for the nearby Tenaya Lake, Pywiack, which means shining rock.  The nearby area has conspicuous amounts of glacial polish, hence the name.  The north side of the dome has interesting variations in color and texture.

North Face Pywiack Dome by Bill de Jager, on Flickr

The Tioga Road I'm following started out as a private mining road, the Great Sierra Wagon Road, constructed before the national park was established.  Later this road was acquired, and gradually upgraded and realigned for efficient public use.  However, the old road is still visible in many locations, sometimes serving as hiking trail.  The trees are Sierra Nevada lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. murrayana), forming a true boreal forest.  This photo is presented only for historical interest, not as an effort at art!

Old TiogaRoad by Bill de Jager, on Flickr

The next section of Tioga Road has some of the best red fir (Abies magnifica) forests I've seen.  You've heard of rain forests, but this is a snow forest.  The combination of tremendous winter snowfall and relatively dry summers means that over 80% of annual precipitation falls as snow.  This is something you might expect in tundra but not in a forest.

Red fir is one of my favorite trees, but I've struggled over the years to try to capture the beauty of its forests in this area.  Here are a couple of efforts, with more to come soon.

Red Fir Forest #1 by Bill de Jager, on Flickr

Red Fir Forest #2 by Bill de Jager, on Flickr

This interpretive sign shows the local ecosystems in relation to elevations.

Interpretive Sign by Bill de Jager, on Flickr


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Re: Yosemite National Park and the Eastern Sierra, California
« Reply #23 on: January 18, 2017, 13:44:20 »

This next one is presented in two crops; I can't decide which I like better.

Alkali Wilderness by Bill de Jager, on Flickr

Desolation by Bill de Jager, on Flickr

The final photo presented was underexposed so the details on the tufa would be visible and for dramatic effect.

Tufa Sunset 2016 by Bill de Jager, on Flickr

I failed to respond earlier to this marvellous tread.
I envy you very much, I went to those places almost 20 years ago and remember them with great pleasure, only wishing the stay were longer.
I was one of those visiting Mono Lake in the photographically useless midday light, your pictures are much better!
Regarding your question on the crop, my choice would be intermediate between the two options: cropping out the foreground as you did in the second version, but leaving the clouds at the top, as in the first version, and placing the far shore slightly into the lower half of the image.

The last image is also remarkable, original and unearthly stark.
Simone Tomasi

Bill De Jager

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Re: Yosemite National Park and the Eastern Sierra, California
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2017, 05:04:56 »
Thank you, Simone.  I'll experiment some more with crops of this photo, including your suggestion.

I'll have one more post with photos up in a day or two, completing this set.

Frank Fremerey

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Re: Yosemite National Park and the Eastern Sierra, California
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2017, 11:22:20 »
I am very very happy with this thread and you contribution in words & pictures. It is so much, I can not easily justify to put my work to rest for reading it all and thinking about it.

OK: 10 Minutes review from :22 to :32 because it is worth the effort

You continue to impress me with your knowledge, your words and you pictures. Esp. Mono lake it a landmark location according to your fine crafted camera work!

The wind blowing snow over the mountain is phantastic by any standards!
You are out there. You and your camera. You can shoot or not shoot as you please. Discover the world, Your world. Show it to us. Or we might never see it.


Bill De Jager

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Re: Yosemite National Park and the Eastern Sierra, California
« Reply #26 on: January 22, 2017, 02:16:23 »
Frank, thanks for your kind comments!

It's time now to wrap up this series of photos from a fruitful and enjoyable photographic expedition.  This is my last photo post in this thread.

First, though, I'll discuss some lessons learned and questions raised.

I've spent the last eight years or so trying to unlearn decades of bad entrenched habits and relearn photography.  On a practical level this has meant abandoning my former overuse of small apertures and wide angles to produce thematically unfocused photos.  I've instead been learning to see (usually) simple and smaller compositions that can be isolated for presentation by using longer focal lengths and wider apertures.  I still pursue wide-angle photographs at times as you've seen here.  I've improved at the narrower compositions, and the next steps will be to relearn wide-angle photography and the appropriate use of small apertures while continuing to work on improving the narrower compositions.

As far as gear goes, I need to so some rethinking. My FX system consists of a D810 and some nice primes, along with a couple of zooms (14-24/2.8 and 70-200/4) for specialized uses. The whole idea behind this system was careful landscape photography on a tripod using primes (normally), live view focus, mirror up, and a remote to obtain the high resolution that the camera is capable of.  One then hopes the wetware behind the camera can do its part to produce worthwhile photos (!).

Yet on this trip I ended up doing a lot of photography in nature while walking around, much more than I expected.  Some of this was in places where a tripod was inadvisable and in some other cases one would have been merely inconvenient.  Instead of using my compact Micro Four Thirds system for quick handheld grabs, I ended up using it seriously for hours at a time.  The zooms were handy in doing close framing when foot zooming was impractical or simply impossible, although much of this framing was substantially revised in post.  However, the compact system had the disadvantage of reduced dynamic range in an often high-contrast environment, a shortcoming which was felt keenly at times.

I really need to give the D810 and three or four primes a try for walking around in nature.  Yes, it'll be heavier, but I can save the heavier primes for shooting close to the vehicle.  For instance, I could try the 25/2.8 Zeiss, the 50/2 Zeiss, and the 105/2.5 Nikon as walk-around lenses.  I can choose to carry a tripod over the shoulder at times if I want to try for higher resolution when forced into lower shutter speeds.

All food for thought to mull over and experiment with over time.  Now on to the photos...

Continuing with the red fir forest:

Red Fir Forest 3 by Bill de Jager, on Flickr

Red Fir Foliage by Bill de Jager, on Flickr

Red fir bark.  Each layer is equivalent to a annual growth ring in wood.

Red Fir Bark Closeup by Bill de Jager, on Flickr

Sierra Nevada lodgepole pine in its natural habitat.

Lodgepole Pine Bark by Bill de Jager, on Flickr

Finally, I present a Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) forest at Gin Flat just east of Crane Flat.  (Flat is an Americanism for a relatively flat place in the mountains, perhaps a valley but in some cases at the top of a mountain or ridge.)  Jeffrey pine is nearly endemic to California and is similar to the much better known ponderosa pine that's common across the American West.  One of the ponderosas, in its California version (Pinus ponderosa var. pacifica) is on the left in the photo below.  The bark color is visibly lighter and the cracks farther apart than with Jeffrey pine, among other differences.

Jeffrey Pine Forest, Gin Flat by Bill de Jager, on Flickr

It's been a pleasure presenting my photos and text to an appreciative audience!


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Re: Yosemite National Park and the Eastern Sierra, California
« Reply #27 on: January 22, 2017, 07:37:37 »
It's been a great series, well-written and shot.  As goddamn annoying and slow as tripods are to wander with, there is no substitute when needed.  Do you have a reasonably light weight tripod that can be carried on a daypack?  That's what I've been starting to use.
Keith B., Santa Monica, CA, USA


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Re: Yosemite National Park and the Eastern Sierra, California
« Reply #28 on: January 22, 2017, 10:27:18 »
I really like the image of the red furs lined up with the saplings in front :)

Bill De Jager

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Re: Yosemite National Park and the Eastern Sierra, California
« Reply #29 on: January 22, 2017, 17:19:22 »
Thank you, Keith and Børge.

I do have a lighter-weight tripod and I really need to experiment with stabilizing it with weight, perhaps a water bottle hanging off it. 

I forgot to mention that a big part of my miscalculation about how I would go about photographing on this trip is that for around five years (until last year) I was so stressed and overworked that I had no appetite for walking around in the mountains like I used to do.  I'd get up there and just lay around, avoiding stimulation (including physical sensations) and mainly just trying to decompress.  I'd photograph from close to my vehicle when I had the desire to rouse myself and actually do something.  These days I'm getting back to more of my old self, and that means walking around more which is good.