Travelogues > Travel Diaries

cape Town SA and surrounds

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elsa hoffmann:
Things to see and do in Cape Town, I often dont get to go far,  so since this is my playground, I have to make do with what we have close by.
These are some of the animals to be seen.

1. Wild horses at Kleinmond (1.5 hours drive) - they are completely free range. Mostly very docile and not what you would expect a wild horse to look like. But I was once chased by one who was very very serious about getting hold of me. I used my SB900 to flash him while reversing. It was a harrowing experience. He simply didnt back off when I banged him with my camera or bag. The flash was all that kind of worked. They "live" in this swamp like area - so their hooves are flat and big like dinner plates.

2. Local baboons - half hour drive. They are known for breaking into houses, and open car windows are not recommended. They cause huge damage to property.

3. Penguins - half hour drive - they nest and breed and are so close you can touch them

4. Otters - they are right in my garden. I could touch them if I wanted to. Which I don't. They have been known to steal a small dog or two. I have to lock my dogs up when they are playing at my house. They are nocturnal mostly - so photographing and seeing them is extremely difficult. Usually in the middle of the night.

5. Another wild horse - these ones didnt chase me - I scratched it's head and ears

6. Klip Springer (something translated into Rock jumper  ;D ) very few of them in a protected area on the mountain - they are indigenous (is that what one cals it) as they are naturally found there - not brought in.  1.5 hours drive

Elsa, the last one is pure kitsch in the best way it can be. Lovely to have that on your doorstep.


elsa hoffmann:

--- Quote ---Elsa, the last one is pure kitsch in the best way it can be. Lovely to have that on your doorstep.

--- End quote ---

 ;D Would you believe that the buck was there - and a sunset was there. Just an hour or so apart  ;D

Lance B:
Fantastic series of photos, Elsa! Love the horse close up and the last photo is also a favourite!


--- Quote from: elsa hoffmann on June 27, 2015, 22:24:49 --- ;D Would you believe that the buck was there - and a sunset was there. Just an hour or so apart  ;D
--- End quote ---
Still lovely kitsch ;-)

Was the cam sitting on a tripod all the time or did you use your time elsewhere in-between?
Or is it shots from two different spots?



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