Reviews > Ramblings of the Fierce Bear of the North

The fallacy of using long lens technique (LLT) at slow shutter speeds

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Bjørn Rørslett:
Sachtler DA 75L or the Speed-Lock models if you want to support heavier stuff, even the smaller 75mm bowl units in the ENG series.

If you go to the 100 mm bowl units, prices start to climb *fast*.

Ask Erik about Gitzo, I haven't had my own since mid 1980's.

As to head, make a list of the essential requirements first, then try to match these to a given model.

Erik Lund:
In the Gitzo range series 3 is the start for steady shots you get good steady support, for long night exposures I would recommend series 5 it also has much less twist even fully extended,

The Gitzo 3 and 5 holds a Burzynski inside the tripod spider for extreme stiffness and I would also add spikes.

Kim Pilegaard:
Berlebach has a "ballhead", that resembles the Burzynski head somewhat. Does anybody have experience with that?


Erik Lund:
I don't know this head, it looks like it is very similar in design although only one screw for tension...

Bjørn Rørslett:
Plus the angle of tilt is more limited ...

that being said, it surely looks an interesting alternative to the now nearly unobtainable Burzynski head.


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