The numbers visiting sloooowly increase. This DNS outage is really worrisome.
The proactive measure that will work even with a repetition of Friday's massive DDOS attack waves is doing the name resolution locally to prevent being dependent on DNS servers downstream.
All the major OS platforms have a HOSTS file somewhere that might be pressed into service for resolving domain name-IP address right there on your own computer. It is largely a historic relic these days, but don't underestimate its usefulness. As NG has a static IP, all that is required is adding the following line to your HOSTS file, using a text editor such as Notepad or Gedit or what is available on your platform,
On most systems you have to run this action as an Administrator with elevated privileges.
Once the HOSTS file is updated, accessing NG in your browser should work. Perhaps it is a good idea to flush the browser cache first (won't do any harm).