Travelogues > Travel Diaries


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elsa hoffmann:
I visit 3 National Parks in Tanzania in 2010.
Opting to go for inexpensive (yes I am cheap) I went with a local outfit.
I had:
1 -  4x4 vehicle
1 - driver/guide
1 - cook
And we travelled together for 3 days solid.

I wont tell you about the food - except to say I think I had 3 oranges in 3 days but then I was seriously full from spending a week in a 5* hotel in Dar es Salaam just before this trip. In the tented camp  - showers were *&^*  - well... lets just say I stayed more clean by not showering.

Three Very different locations. And since I was by myself with the 2 guys - shooting from the Jeep was a pleasure

But this is Africa. True Africa. You dont want to see the airports either. I am surprised any pilot could find the runway - never-mind his passengers.

Parks I visited -

Ngoro Ngoro - absolutely amazing - everything from a swamp, savanna, forest and anything in-between in this Caldera
Tanrangire National Park and Manyara National Park. All three were really good.

I used a 70-200 with 2 x TC. its about all I owned at that time and I must have used the D3x. Now I look back and once again think the images suck :)

Bjørn Rørslett:
That zebra is so *cute*.  (I'm a big fan of zebras, by the way).

Please, tell us more.

I like your definition of "suck"...
Most people that go on Safari would be happy to have your shots.

Yes, more from that trip please!


I wonder about the definition of "suck" too. I find the pictures 1 and 6 especially pleasing.
I doubt that I will ever take pictures that "suck" like these...

Asle F:
#1 is something special. The low contrast, the dust that whispering the details. I can almost feel the fine sand between my teeth. Yes, that picture has some magic, at least for me.

And as a long time Linux-user, gnu is a special animal for me ;)


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