Author Topic: Non-bird  (Read 2375 times)


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Re: Non-bird
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2016, 05:58:53 »
Elsa, that is a unique image of a Mongoose. It is what shooting wildlife is all about, getting the unusual image.  I shoot many and have never had one give me that reaction.  Even when a Mongoose and I come eye to eye at very close range the reaction is normally surprise and "what do I do now".  I keep thinking that some day I will come across one with a snake.
Many thanks for posting.
Tom Hardin, Goa, India

Mike G

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Re: Non-bird
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2016, 08:29:12 »
An awful long time(1960s) ago in Bombay/Mumbai in the hanging gardens a snake charmer whose palm had been crossed with a few Rupees set his mongoose loose on a snake, which took very little time to dispatch the poor old snake!

He also charmed a Cobra from a basket, but he did not let the mongoose anywhere near the Cobra!!!

Peter Connan

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Re: Non-bird
« Reply #17 on: September 04, 2016, 16:35:04 »
Elsa, I must agree with Tommie, the original image is definately a stunner.

With regard to the glossy, I must confess a great fondness for these birds. They can make stunning images, and had you used the D800 this particular one would have been the most stunning one I have yet seen. It just lacks that little bit of extra dynamic range to lift the shadows on the back a bit...

I know we have discussed this before, but Albert Froneman who is probably one of SA's best specialist bird photographers says that full-frame is much better for birds, and I think this is why he feels that way.

The only possible exception is the D500, but only because no one I know can afford a D5...

elsa hoffmann

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Re: Non-bird
« Reply #18 on: September 04, 2016, 18:35:02 »
Thank you guys. Every day is a learning curve for me - and every time I go out - I get something different. Thankfully - otherwise - had I know everything - it would have been darn boring!
"You don’t take a photograph – you make it” – Ansel Adams. Thats why I use photoshop.