Gear Talk > Camera Talk

Nikon Df

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Mike G:
Just an observation but the Nikon Df seems to be very popular with you Nordic chaps ;D

Bjørn Rørslett:
Some use it, some don't. The majority here as elsewhere are not Df enthusiasts.

Extrapolating from a sample is always fraught with difficulties.

However, for me it is the overall best DSLR ever used by me. Certainly the D800/810 class is the most impressive in sheer image quality if you count pixels, but there is more to the final image than that. Good tools that make you want to go out shooting are invaluable. For me, the Df brings back sheer enjoyment into my daily photographic life. So do I care if other people don't feel the same way? Not for a second.

elsa hoffmann:
Excuse my ignorance Bjørn - but - the DF is your favourite. And I get the impression UV /IR too  - so can one do that with the DF or do you need a converted body for those things?
sorry but my knowledge of the subject is non-existent.

Bjørn Rørslett:
I use a range of other cameras for UV or IR. A single camera design won't cut all the required corners. And yes, those cameras are indeed converted for the purpose. Either they are "broad band" meaning there is no internal filter at all, or they have been adapted by putting a UV or IR-transmitting filter inside.

The broad-band converted cameras are in some aspects the most versatile, as you can precisely define their spectral range by external filtering over the lens.  However, that restricts what lens you can deploy as most special filters only come in a restricted size ange and/or are horribly expensive.

Will I at a future point in time convert a Df? Probably, and then as an IR body.

elsa hoffmann:
thanks for the info - that is what I thought - but since you are such a DF fan - I was becoming a tad confused.


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