Well folks, there are so many conflicting comments flying around in this thread, that it is hard to decide which to respond, and some are not worth a response IMO. As for the LOL ones, the idea that by learning from Ming Thein, I will be trying to make photos like him. How funny, but also how impossible that would be. I am not influenced by Thein's style, I am inspired by his style and ability... to do more with my own style. I am a person who shares information. After all, I am a Sixties person; we don't care about keeping stuff to ourselves. We like to share it around, which I do.
And those who criticize Ming Thein's tutorials: you obviously know much more than I do about post-processing, because I immediately learned from this latest A3 Tutorial a number of things that I am already using to my advantage. One example is how a tablet pen GREATLY improves dodging, burning, and the sponge tool, to name just one thing I picked up.
This is not my first rodeo. I have been taking reasonable photos since 1956, when my dad gave me a Kodak Retina IIa, a close-up lens, a meter, and a tripod. It is true that now that I am retired, I enjoy a lot more photography and my photos have actually improved. But I have no fear of being influenced by other photographers. I have learned from a number of them, including Chambers, Hogan, Thein, and especially our own nfoto. I even have learn technical details from Ken Rockwell.
Anyway, I was surprised and kind of saddened by this thread, but it is OK. As they say, everyone has an opinion.