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Nikon Df non-AI stop-down metering

(1/4) > >>

OK, i have done the ritual.

1: raise tab
2: set to non-AI in the menu
3: set to A
4: press the preview button

but this thing would not stop-down meter :o :o :o
my manual Nikons would give me a shutter speed reading ::)
am I doing something wrong?

Bjørn Rørslett:
It doesn't work that way. The procedure is convoluted and has to be done correctly.

First, flip up the aperture follower (remember to set it back later !!)

Make an entry for a non-CPU lens if not already done, and mark it as non-AI.

Now, use the front dial to set the aperture to a value, say f/5.6. Rotate the aperture ring on lens to the same setting.

Then, either shoot in A or M, for the latter mode, you match deviations from "0" as normal by changing exposure speed.

There is no "stop-down metering" at all using the non-AI lens in this manner. Nikon does not allow it for any lens operated either via CPU, aperture follower, or by the procedure just outlined above. In fact, using the preview button disconnects the meter.

Roland Vink:
It's much easier to use AI converted lenses ...

Bjørn Rørslett:
True. And putting a CPU in them makes their use even more easy.

My aim was to have all my Nikkors (100+)  CPU-modified and at present this goal has been achieved. Only kept two Nikkors in their non-AI condition for testing purposes (50/2 and 105/2.5).

i see. damn it,Df...
i had somebody forward this concern to the engineers at Nikon via facebook. hope it gets a FW update so we can use it like the F3 :o :o :o


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