Current status: 95/150 supporters
Ah, great shot ! Is it for sale?
+1. Great shot indeed
A birch ... got some chestnut too, but , heck, where are these shots?
HDR is always very near to overcooked.Try to add some structural contrast to the now dominant tonalcontrast....just for the idea. Quick and Dirty on my phone...
I did truckloads of HDR shots. Sometimes panoramas sometimes single shots from the tripod.My aim is to mimik what I see and what the camera cannot show without a little help from herfriends the algorithms in a computer.So I use HDR to extract the brightness and the darkness the structure and tones my current best Camera fails to reproduce. With that result as a starting point I then try in a second step to balance tonal and structuralcontrast in a way that appears to look natural.That is my idea. My comment. Noone needs to follow that path.all the best. Back to GREEN...
Exploring HDR Efex Pro - the original came out somewhat flat.