Images > Nature, Flora, Fauna & Landscapes

Enchanted Forest - From the IR portfolio

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Bjørn Rørslett:
I continue my quest for IR photography to be seen as a natural part of any field of photography.

This originates from a prolonged shoot using my then-to-be stepdaughter as an obliging model.

It's funny how diversified this kind of imagery can be perceived. The image has been printed in Russian photo magazines and exhibited as a near mural sized print at an art museum in Estonia. Reception was enthusiastic. Back at home, response could at best be described as 'lukewarm'.

Currently it adorns a well-lit wall in my living room.

Frank Fremerey:

Jørgen Ramskov:
I often find it difficult to comment on your photos because they often er so different from practically everything else I see. This make me feel like I've walked into a dream and I can definately see it having quite an effect when printed large.

Where do the patterns come from ? Photo or PP ?

Bjørn Rørslett:
I'll have to consult my session notes to be sure but probably a combination of double exposure *and* the bark of the spruces being destroyed by insects (these infested trees get a criss-cross pattern from the mining insect tunnels) *and* vestiges of dried-out lower branches on the tree trunks. I'll look for other captures to see what the explanation might be.


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