The user interface is, like most compact cameras, an acquired taste. But you can get bigger cameras with worse than this (my recent addition, Sony A7, is an example). Set the camera to "A" mode and select a suitable aperture, then just fire away. That solves most handling issues.
An unexpected bonus is the fact that the protective glass preventing water drops coming onto the sensor, sits so far ahead of the sensor surface that any dirt on it hardly ever show up in the final image. My other mirrorless cameras are a nightmare in this regards as they simply suck all dust and grime from their surroundings onto the exposed sensor.
I recommend getting one of the silicone skins for your AW1. It does enlarge the camera slightly, but offers much better grip.
Remove the battery when you are not using the camera for a day or two. Otherwise you learn more than you care for about its voracious appetite for battery power. Spare batteries are a must anyway.