Gear Talk > Other

Thanks to Nikon service

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Just wanted to say what a great job Nikon service in New York did for me. Too often it's the negative comments which can dominate a thread about service. Anyway, I damaged the shutter on my 810 and had to have a new one installed. Two week turnaround and they did some extras such as adjusting the AF and updated the firmware. When the camera arrived I had to check the serial number to be sure it was mine because the unit looked so nice.
I admit to a certain amount of trepidation in sending my camera to be repaired, but those fears turned out to not be justified. So today I'm a happy camper.

Jakov Minić:
John, that's really nice to hear.
Enjoy your like new camera :)

Bjørn Rørslett:
Most repair facilities I have encountered are staffed by persons willing to go the extra mile if not more to help their clients.

I'm in the fortunate position of having been able to build personal relationships to the local repair techs for decades, which really is valuable at times.

I am happy for you.
I had a similar experience with KEH repair service a few years ago. Some people take customer service seriously!

Bjørn Rørslett:
Strangely enough these mythical "techs" turn out to be humans of flesh and blood ... Here is my main contact at the national Nikon repair centre in Oslo, Vegard Kvamme.  He has a deep appreciation of good histories and enjoys dark chocolate and  fly fishing. I pop in and chat with him and the other guys on a regular basis.


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