One can not dispute that this image will please many people - and I am sure Queenie included.
Everyone has his or her own style - and if this is Annie's style - its artistic license and so be it.
What isn't good style is the poor editing.
Almass is correct - its not bad lighting.
I don't however agree that her photography fell apart here (maybe she just was a bit lazy but who knows...) - for me it's seriously more a case of the editing falling apart.
The picture frames in the "mirror" are totally skewed - in my opinion - I wouldn't deliver work like that in a hurry....
My feeling is the mirror showed a mass of crap which had to be edited out.
I didn't notice the foot - good point.
Frank - I doubt if this is a painted backdrop.. see pics below
Børge - I specifically didn't post my comments as I wanted to see what YOU guys see. It's called "interaction"
Andrea - I certainly don't hate the pic - lots I like about it - which is why I looked closer to see what was going on...
Believe me - not many on NG would have pulled this off. Firstly not many are family /portrait photographers - and secondly we have no idea how challenging the shoot was. We don't even know if they were so un-cooperative that more than one image had to be pasted together to get a decent result. We just don't know.
1. See the picture frame how it goes around the head of the boy - thats patched / edited in afterwords to eliminate what was there. no frame goes around a head in the background...
2. The chair back comes through the hair? impossible without PS
3. The Candelabra has a hole in it at the side and the frame has a huge mark which is also clearly due to editing.
Also - boy in red shorts has something peculiar between his knees.
It might not be mirrors - but glass. (which also reflects)
Quite possible that the Palace staff has their own ideas about where the pic should be taken yada yada yada - we will never know.
Or someone said - lets shoot and fix up the f*ck ups in PS. who knows