The organ in Domkerk is very nice, also a nice object to show the difference in tonal response between D600 & D3. D3 is precise, dry, clean ... D600 is still the best in the Nikon park ... only beaten by the D5 and only above ISO3200 ... yes, the D810 has 12 more megapixels and is nearly as good in tonality as the D600 ... and yes, I will buy the D850 if she can beat the D600 ... yes, the D750 and D610 and alpha 7 and alpha 7 II and alpha 99 and several other cameras feature the same chip ... OK? Everybody happy?
Post Scriptum:: The Df is also very good & chart attached ... to be precise: between ISO800 and ISO25.600, she is just as good as the D600. Below ISO800 the D600 beats them all. Above ISO25.600 the D600 has no setting.
1) D600 & Ai-S 1.4/35mm @f=4 (@1.4 to follow ... it really glows!)
2) Different perspective with D3 and AF-S 1.8/85mm @f=4