The NikonGear Office > Site Issues

Posting images



I would like to post some images but when previewing posts I get server errors or nothing displaying. I do not want to pollute the forum. Is there a place for testing? I tried the recycle bin but I am not sure I can post there.



Bjørn Rørslett:
With the current (and free) forum software, you either attach images, or link to them if they reside on an external server. There is a size limitation on attachments, but the max.size is generous and should never cause any real problem.

In the first case, the post preview will only show the text. For linking, use the IMG BBC-code tags (there is a button for this) and place the complete URL to the image inside these tags.

You cannot post to the Recycle Bin. It shows what has been deleted elsewhere on NG, if necessary including Admins' note why the post is deleted for transparency, and the board is read-only.

Ok, it worked. Posted in critique.




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