I have spent 10 years *^&%ing around trying to work with B&W IR 830nm RAW and process without interpolation and, in the process, looked closely at the Leica Monochrom DNG file. I have read Erwins article and there are some statements that require further evidence. For one, download a Leica Monochrom DNG (Monochrom output file type) and drop it into Rawdigger - there is only one channel. How does Erwin come up with 3 channels? If you have created a luminance only sensor (no Bayer array so no colour data) why on earth would you need to create three channels, it seems a pointless exercise. It is possible that the firmware, for the most part, behaves as if the Bayer is still there because you would only need to turn off the interpolation in the firmware (rather than rewrite the firmware just for the Monochrom) to create LCD jpg display. This would still result in 1 channel since you only have luminance data.
If anyone finds otherwise please let me know. Got to go, off to Yellowstone, will check back in 2 weeks.