Gear Talk > Camera Talk

pocket size camera

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I took this picture with a Aero Ektar f2,5 178 mm, mounted on a Speed Graphic. Wonderful bokeh! I wasn't able to pocket the camera and lens of course ;)

Jakov Minić:
Børge, you've just become my idol!

The mass of the contraption surely helped keep the images free of camera shake, could use the lens to calibrate your Geiger counter.

The amount of radiation from the lens was easily overshadowed på the share amount of background radiation from the ground here. Radon concentration in the air inside my house is about 100 Bq/m3, so ventilation is always on anyway. Combined with the fallout from the Tsjernobyl meltdown we practically glow in the dark up here :)

Frank Fremerey:
bjørn: A 5x5 qinch is roughly a 4x5 qinch, so 178mm equals a light tele ~60mm in 135-format as the "normal lens" for the 4x5 qinch is 135mm

Borge: What a very cool double portait! I am really emotionally taken and support Jakovs point.


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