I shoot for my mental clarity, not for others. Of course, I may show other folks what I am doing. I approach photography as an impressionist. I don’t criticize other’s photo impressions, and don’t benefit from others criticizing my photos, any more than I would criticize your appearance. No accounting for taste.
I have learned that even the best lens expert’s opinion (the ones I admire) may not work for me; typically, I have to see for myself what a lens can do for me. The photographer with the best all-around eye that I have ever seen is, IMO, Ming Thein.
I send a lot of camera equipment back, especially mirrorless cameras, so far. I used to save all of the lenses that I have “moved through,” so to speak, but I finally realized I did not want a museum of lenses I never use, so I have been selling them off. I don’t miss them and am not sentimental about lenses. I only use zoom lenses for snapshots and family stuff. Everything for me is about fast primes that are sharp and, most of all, highly corrected.
I am always teetering on the bleeding edge, wanting something that does not exist yet. Things I am (recently) thankful for are the ISO 64 on the Nikon D810 and the just-barely-good-enough LiveView. One Thing I desperately feel I need is a D810-equivalent camera with a great EVF and the ability to magnify the image in order to focus better.
I love Nikon camera bodies, but only some of their lenses, the more exotic ones, industrials mostly. Of course I have the Nikkor Trifecta, the 14-24, 24-70, and the 70-200, but I seldom use them. I seem to be very sensitive to lens correction. Most of my working lenses are APO lenses and have been for many years.
I am even thinking of selling my three PC-Nikkors (24mm, 45mm, 85mm). They are sharp enough and fun to use (especially for stitching), but they just are not highly corrected enough. Bummer.
I have tried many different photography sites, but this is the most interesting for me. I like gear and I like to see what others are doing with their gear. Luminous Landscape, another site I like, is now going subscription, but not charging a lot, something like $12 a year. Anyway, that’s my two cents.