Thank you, Massimo! You can go to your "Look and Layout" page from your "Profile" and change the "Current Theme". I use "SMF Default Theme" whose background is light gray instead of white. I can see the darker images better.
Thanks for the hint, Akira! While you were writing, I worked my way to the same conclusion that SMF Default was the better option. BTW, with that profile, Portrait photos are shown bigger on the page.
Shortly afterwards, there was a beautiful full moonrise that I was able to capture. The moon was insinuating across cloud layers, and a couple birds passing by added a nice touch.
Here it is:
Moonrise 17 june 2019Technical: Nikon D500, 200-500mm f/5.6 ED AF-S VR Zoom-Nikkor. 500mm, ISO 3200, 1/40" @f:5.6, handheld, VR ON
Ciao from Massimo