We went out today to enjoy the autumn colors which are nearing their maximum here, according to the people around who actually can see colors (not me!).
We met Thierry, a local policeman and park guard who was obviously looking for some positive interaction. We spoke for a while about how nice the parc was in this season (Chateau de Méry sur Oise, almost my garden!).
We also found out he is passionate about mushroom hunting in the nearby forests. It was quite disappointing to find out that the hundreds of unknown to me white mushrooms that we had left in the forest two days ago were actually delicious according to him. Well, mushrooms are too dangerous to play with when you are uncertain. Sometimes there is no second chance...
We also spoke about the castle's park, how much it had favorably changed in the recent years. It was quite obvious that Thierry is somewhat bored by his long days at work, where nothing happens (fortunately!).
He agreed to pose for one picture with the castle in the far background, not really recognizable givent the shallow DOF.
This was shot with my X-T1, Lens Turbo 2 and Nikkor 105mm f/2.5.
10. une minute de pose dans une journée d'ennui