Images > Life, the Universe & Everything Else

Do You Find "Straight" Photography Boring? I do!

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I find "straight" photography boring.  There are billions upon billions of straight photos taken every day; and if you're into straight photography, chances are high that none of your images will ever be unique or special enough to stand out from the billions of images out there.  I find it almost impossible these days to differentiate between straight photos posted online taken with a smartphone vs those taken with expensive dedicated cameras.

Birna likely also has this same creative drive - as evidenced by the pioneering work she's done in UV photography.

I am motivated by new forms of photography like ICM (Intentional Camera Movement), Brenizer Bokeh Panoramas, unusual bokeh balls, 3D images, adapting non-photographic lenses for use on digital cameras, and reversing lenses' front elements.  I have my own little lens repair shop and am continually modifying and adapting lenses in an attempt to create special and artistic images that are truly unique.  I always carry odd ball adapters, individual lens elements, and optical "Lensballs" ( ) in my vest pocket to modify lenses when in the field.

For "experimental photographers" like me, Photography is a lifelong journey that involves continuous exploration and experimentation.  Once one masters the many forms of traditional/straight photography, it's then time to go where none have gone before and find new capture methods that involve either unusual gear and/or never before employed techniques.  And let's not forget the many opportunities to create unique images afforded through the use of post processing methods that involve the creative use of multiple image editing software products (e.g. developing RAW image files in Luminar Neo, and then painting on the image in Corel Painter 2023).

Do any of you feel the same way?  If so, could you share what you are currently experimenting with?  If not, how come you are not already burnt out by straight photography?

Erik Lund:
Luckily we are fortunate that NikonGear has many Photographers that produce interesting images, again and again - Many of them have their own style and their images reflect this.
I for one enjoy to shoot both the boring and the experimental images - IMHO both have their place.

Birna Rørslett:
Lots and lots can be said on the topic(s) raised by Bruce. I'm in a hurry right now, so just mention a few given points.

- the photographer is solely responsible for the final outcome. Not the gear used.

- the camera "sees" and communicates differently to a human. Learn the differences and utilise them for better photography

- no amount of fancy tehniques can salvage a picture that has no strong inner meaning to the photographer and cannot be retold in words

- boing photography may or may not be caused by a boring photographer

Certainly 100+ more points can be added to the list.

Fons Baerken:
Could be an interesting topic or thread with many examples i may hope!

Shooting for oneself, straight photography may remain a rewarding exercise (the process as well as the result).

Shooting for sharing with family and friends is more difficult. Shooting for the general public and hoping to contribute to something is even more difficult, given the inflation. Same with literature or painting. Straight photography remains relevant (as is straight literature, using plain grammar, plain words, and meaningful sentences).

That being said, I'm not encouraging anybody towards the production of monochromes (as some painters would name them) ;)

... although there is a photographic equivalent to monochromes: brickwall shooting.


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