I’m utterly exhausted after a five day trip in debilitating heat to Fukushima. The last two days were in the proximity of the Daichi nuclear power plant, which I got to visit. The weather was so inhospitable, and the area so devoid of interest (it was effectively stripped of everything and then concreted over), that I left my camera in the bag the entire time. The only two things that even inspired me to pull out my phone were bugs (maybe the same bug?) at Tomioka station when I arrived and left. This was the ‘leaving’ bug.
Daiichi power plant was of course incredibly interesting, and every sight was worth capturing. But photography was forbidden - other than the endless photos TEPCO took of us! But near the end of the tour I was able to hack the system and ask the official photographer to take a photo of me standing in front of the ruins of reactor 1. When/if I receive it from TEPCO I’ll post it here ;-)