The NikonGear Office > Site Issues

"Database Error. Please try again"


Hi forum,

I've tried creating a gallery, a category and uploading images to the gallery afterwards.

I get the following error message now:

"Database Error. Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator"

When I try to access the gallery and/or upload new pictures to it.

I don't knot if it's a general problem or something that's only happening to my accout (perhaps because it's new).

All the best,


Birna Rørslett:
We have an issue with the Gallery software.

I give a fix low priority at present because this would entail taking the site offline to do an extra backup of everything, plus the backbone DB.

In fact the error likely is due to DB configuration problems, but resetting and updating the DB (to a new version, UTF-8 etc.) is "risky business". If work load permits I might try this step later in June.


--- Quote from: Birna Rørslett on May 26, 2023, 13:58:54 ---We have an issue with the Gallery software.

I give a fix low priority at present because this would entail taking the site offline to do an extra backup of everything, plus the backbone DB.

In fact the error likely is due to DB configuration problems, but resetting and updating the DB (to a new version, UTF-8 etc.) is "risky business". If work load permits I might try this step later in June.

--- End quote ---

Thank you for the reply, Birna. Having done a bit of software development years ago, I understand perfectly.


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