Author Topic: Gallery Image Upload Errors  (Read 2222 times)


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Gallery Image Upload Errors
« on: August 15, 2021, 21:00:43 »

 I performed a search and saw that previously there were gallery issues, have these been corrected? If not, I seem to be having a gallery issue. I am unable to upload images and am given a couple of different errors. One is a general error saying there was an issue and to contact an Admin. The second is thaat I have not selected a Category - and there is none available in the drop down provided. Any insight would be appreciated greatly :) Thank you!


Database Error
Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator.

An Error Has Occurred!
You need to select a category.

Update: Apparently I have 2 images that are uploaded, but the feedback provided when attempting to upload images would lead me to believe otherwise.