Z9 Manuals are online
Unfortunately, the full reference manual is only visible as an online series of Web pages. This trend (NO PDF) has been silently creeping in for the recent models, and I really don't like it !
Can anyone explain the reason for withholding this useful material? Mystery!
So far, by snooping around I've been able to find the PDF version of the RM for most cameras, including the Zfc, Z5, Z50, Z6/Z7, Z6II, Z7II, D780
All the above mentioned manuals are absent from the official Nikon download site, and the D6 RM and the Z9 RM can only be consulted online...
I'll be doing more snooping, and if anyone finds a downloadable PDF copy, I'll be grateful!
EDIT: snooping successful, found the D6 RM, a hefty 1198 pages! anyone interested, look here:
https://www.manualslib.com/manual/1828363/Nikon-D6.htmlCiao from Massimo