Author Topic: All of you are an amazing resource - thank you!  (Read 1369 times)


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All of you are an amazing resource - thank you!
« on: February 19, 2021, 05:18:51 »
I just subscribed to  I've had a free membership for a while and would occasionally visit.

Recently I made a new thread about my interest in buying a Df camera.  I asked you if you thought the Df was worth buying in 2021. 

Well, I was "overwhelmed" at the terrific response.  Four full pages to my little question.  I could not believe your generosity - starting with Birna's.

Based on your advice, I bought a Df and have found it's my all time favorite digital camera. 

I hope as a new subscriber to support and participate in this wonderful website, and "give back" to others who have given so much to me.

Best regards,
Dave Weber (Wisconsin USA), AKA BruceSD


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Re: All of you are an amazing resource - thank you!
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2021, 06:53:42 »
I second your thanks!

I only discovered this great resource recently, but prior to that I was amazed and delighted with the other online reviews, databases, and ‘how-to’s’ provided by members of the gang.

A great bunch here, for sure :-)
Richard Hawking (not Richard Haw!), in Tokyo

Birna Rørslett

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Re: All of you are an amazing resource - thank you!
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2021, 09:13:14 »
Thanks for your support, Bruce.

NG is unlike most sites in that we run the site absolutely free of ads or any gathering of personal data to sell on. Not even Google Analytics. NG is a "labour of [photographic] love" as it were to the NG Crew. We want it to stay that way.

Server hosting is definitively not free, but for now we manage to stay afloat with the subscriptions we have. If more members take out a subscription, we are pleased of course. Never think "others can do it" when you have the option of chipping in yourself.

Erik Lund

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Re: All of you are an amazing resource - thank you!
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2021, 15:58:02 »
Welcome! We appreciate your contribution as well - The intellectual as well as the financial ;D Do enjoy NikonGear!
Erik Lund