Unfortunately Chris, Myanmar has changed dramatically since the opening up the country a bit.
I was there in 2007, 2010 and February, 2013 and the change in the major cities was enormous.
Huge numbers of cars, many more businesses, terrific traffic in large cities and an overflow of tourists straining the resources.
The roads and telephone network are still well below any standard - even though everyone has a mobile phone.
One can't go to a town like Mandalay, Yangon or Bagan and expect to find a room easily.
In 2013 I took 3 friends and we had to make reservations everywhere and, in Bagan and Nyaung Schwe, we saw people sleeping on floors of guest houses and in monasteries.
I'm certain this crush will level off as facilities grow to meet the need but the infrastructure has a long way to go.
If you are interested in returning to SE Asia, Laos is still fairly 'fresh' and, while it doesn't have the number of things to see or places to go, it is very much fun - and the people of Laos are wonderful.