My guess is that the best candidates are telephoto primes with Nano Coating. In the 200-400mm range, that includes the AFS 200/2 VR II, AFS 300/2.8 VR, AFS 300/2.8 VR II, AFS 400/2.8 VR and AFS 400/2.8 FL. You said you have a 200/2, but not which version.
The new 300/4 PF and 500/5.6 PF also have nano-coating but the PF element flares more than normal elements.
Telephoto zooms with nano coating include the AFS 70-200/4, AFS 70-200VR (ED and FL), AFS 80-400, AFS 200-400/4 II, 180-400/4 FL and forthcoming 120-300/2.8. Zooms have more air glass surfaces than primes so tend to suffer more from flare and ghosts but some are surprisingly good. On the other hand, some primes are poor, sometimes the lens spacing and curvature just happens to reflect/focus stray light on the sensor, regardless of how good the coatings are.