Short question turns into long rant. Thus is Me. My condolences.
Need to visit my Pop. He laughs at my photo hobby as much as I laugh at his obsession with water. I call him "The King of Assofwoman Bay." < Yes, it is on the map.
His backyard is a private lagoon w/personal boat moorings. He has a 22+ foot Tri-Hull with a large outboard and a smaller, "Boston Whaler," which I haven't seen or rode in, yet. It's a long ride, but he took me as far as where ocean meets bay, Ocean City, Maryland.
I know the 1st thing coming to mind is some sort of pelican case. I have an ancient 1600 but it isn't air tight. My thoughts are... to get a larger case that holds one of my heavy padded Backpacks & Bungie Cord it so it doesn't impact & bang on the deck.
Sorry for being, long on words. Even on calm bay water, going any speed, there is always the "bang, crash, bang. How does one keep a camera body & lenses from shaking every bit of internal dust, while riding in even, a padded case?
This is likely to be close to the last chance to get together, as I'll be turning 60 soon & he is 23 years my senior. (We never really get or got along. My Mother separated before I was born.)
I have to chuckle....The both of of, alone....(we were pretty much poured from the same mold.)
I want to take my better cameras. (D800/D3x) & the best glass. (70-200VR, 300/400mf primes. The old 80-400 seems to do OK on the D3x. Tiny D3200 does the 70-200 pretty good.
Any input and suggestions would be much appreciated. If I end up in the water, nuts to the gear. I'm dealing with pacemaker # 4 or 5. The gear is insured. I'm screwed.
Another thought, I can use the KeyMission 360 on a bay rod & see how it works underwater.
In Advance, a Kind Thank You,