Simple Machines may be their name but programming at this level is NEVER simple!
Many thanks for the efforts and realisation that the forum needs to upgrade to the HTTPS protocol, I had been considering mentioning it. Since upgrading to Mojave I have realised operating system security is becoming even tighter. No doubt eventually all good browsers will reject insecure sites, maybe not even 'see' them.
We upgraded the Nikon DSLR forum to HTTPS some months ago, we were fortunate to have a member who is a retired programmer, we were contemplating moving to different software because of the complexity of the upgrade. Chris managed to rescript and re-code as required to achieve the HTTPS certification. This was his comment as work proceeded:
"The Ultra(bb) code is such a tangle it has taken me nearly 2 years to even start to understand it - there is a mix of html in the PHP files, some php is object oriented some isn't, some style is in the css, some is inline, some is even hidden inline in html within php!!!
I always comment the files - even if only to understand what I am doing one minute to the next!!"
Upgrading existing software is rarely straightforward.
I had to update my voting registration recently, I entered the URL carefully into the search box, it took me straight to an insecure site, full of links to unrelated sites, possibly containing booby traps... Repeatedly. (Somehow the www. .com url changed to ww1. .com). In the end I visited the Town Hall site and used their link which took me to the secure Voting Register pages. No matter how careful you are you have to be alert for the bad boys. If Safari hadn't flagged the site as insecure I might not have noticed.