Author Topic: Hapsichord -or Cembalo or Clavecin-  (Read 2359 times)


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Hapsichord -or Cembalo or Clavecin-
« on: March 11, 2019, 23:42:28 »
I´ve got a conversation and some information about it today from its owner. He is the director of the Orquesta Barroca de Granada. I hope this translates ok...

   This "clavecin" -I´m using his reference word- is copy of the original from Pierre Donzelague in 1711 -Fons and Akira were right about the time period- in Lyon, France. There are two originals from were this copy was made. One is in a private museum in London and the second one in Lyon.
    This one was made one renowned historical key instruments maker: Andrea Restelli, in Milán in 2011
    The owner points out there is abundant info about origin about the end of the 1500s in Italy and then evolution to double key and extension of keys and different schools: italian, Flamish?, french, german, iberic, etc...
    Also points out the clavichord is a much smaller instrument, with less sound and so not suitable for theaters.
    The invention of the piano-forte will fadeout the use of it after the second half of the XVIII century.
    At the beginning of the XX century there is interest again in it and there are many contemporary pieces written for from composer like Manuel de Falla o Ligetti. There are some nowdays coomposing for it as well.

    That´s an aproximation of the message I´ve got today. I hope this works for your curiosity. Don´t hesitate to ask if you have any more questions. He is very nice.



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Re: Hapsichord -or Cembalo or Clavecin-
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2019, 04:11:29 »
Paco, though a replica, still an astonishingly beautiful piece of craftsmanship.  It must have been a joy to photograph.  A shame we cannot hear it as well ...  Cheers,  John


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Re: Hapsichord -or Cembalo or Clavecin-
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2019, 08:43:56 »
A shame we cannot hear it as well ...  Cheers,  John

Not this one but a sample?

Robert C. P.
South Cumbria, UK


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Re: Hapsichord -or Cembalo or Clavecin-
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2019, 14:34:21 »
Thank you, Paco, for the details.  This is really an elaborate instrument.
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